The Logan Files

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Really long chapter guys, sorry about that!

Taya's POV:
Things with Logan and I have been great. He's the sweetest boy, and we've been together a fair while.

But despite our happiness together, I have this burning question in the back of my mind, and knowing Logan it won't be long before he brings it up.

Maths. The worlds worst high school class. Luckily for me though, I have an amazing boyfriend to help me through it. I sit at the back, and Logan sits next to me with Lily on the other side.

As I nervously scribble down everything that's being written on the board, Logan flicks me a note. I turn my head to face him, and he mouths 'open it'.

I quickly open the small note, where written in barely readable handwriting says: What are you doing tonight?

I slowly look up, and then face Logan, a smirk on my face. I mouth back: 'nothing, why?'

He then smiles and scribbles down another note before passing that one to me as well. I anxiously open it. It reads: 'Well, if you weren't busy, I was hoping you could come over?'

My heart suddenly skips a beat as I re-read the last part over and over. You could come over? I'm now somewhere between overjoyed and scared for my life. Okay, maybe I'm over-exaggerating just a bit, but you get my point.

I've been going out with Logan for about 6 months now; and yet I haven't met his parents and thankfully he hasn't met mine (as bad as that sounds). I trust him and I love him more than anything in the world, but now that I think about it - he hasn't said that he loves me, and neither have I.

It should have happened by now, right?

Suddenly, something feels very wrong. We've been together six months and yet neither one of us has proclaimed our love for the other. In most relationships that I've seen on TV, the couple would be talking about having sex by now.

I turn my head to face Logan who is smiling at me. He mouths: 'So?'

I take a deep breath, thinking carefully about my descision. I'll need Lily, Skye, Jordan and Matt to cover for me, but knowing them it won't be a problem.

I smile and nod, and mouth back: 'sure.'

His smile broadens as he faces the front. I fake a smile, and pretend that everything is fine and dandy, even though I know full-well it isn't.


As the final bell for the day echoes through the halls, my palms sweat like crazy. I'm nervous about going to Logan's house, I'm anxious about the fact we haven't said 'I love you', and I'm freaking out over what he has planned.

As Logan approaches, I turn to face Matt, Skye, Lily and Jordan. "Guys, I need you to cover for me."

"Sure. Where are you going?" Jordan asks.

"I'm going over to Logan's. I think he has something special planned." I reply. Suddenly, Skye yanks my arm and drags me off a few metres away. "Ow, ow, ow! Skye that hurts!" I wail.

She leans in closer. "What's he got planned?"

"I don't know!" I shrug. "He invited me over, that's all."

She gives me a blank stare. "Have I taught you nothing, woman?!" She hisses. "When a boy says he wants to hang out at his place after school, it's code for..." She lowers her voice. "It's code for sex."

"EW!" I immediately shout, a grimacing look on my face.

Skye shushes me. "Keep it down, will ya?" I roll my eyes.

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