Meet the family - Raphael

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Raph watches you carefully as you make your way down the ladder holding one of your newborn daughters. "You sure you're okay?" He asks.

"For the hundredth time, yes!" You reply. You gently place both feet on the ground, still clutching your daughter tightly. Raph follows you, holding the other baby. "How are we going to tell Splinter about the one we lost?" You ask.

"Sensitively and delicately." Raph replies. "You know how he worries."

You nod, walking towards the lair. Before you enter, Raph hands you the other baby, the opens the entrance to the lair. "We're home!" You call.

April comes rushing towards you. "Twins!" She says. "You had twins!"

"Triplets, actually." Raph adds, taking a step into the lair.

April looks around for the third baby. "W-where's the third one?" She asks, starting to worry.

"It didn't... It didn't make it." You reply quietly. "She died before she was born."

April's face falls. She gently hugs you, making sure she doesn't crush the babies. "I'm so sorry, Y/n." She says.

"Thanks." You reply, just as Splinter walks in.

"I see you were bearing more than one child." He says, noticing the twins.

"We did have three." Raph replies. "But unfortunately we lost one." He says sensitively.

"Oh dear..." Splinter says. "I'm so sorry for your loss."

You turn around and look at Raph. "What happened to sensitively and delicately?" You hiss. Raph just shrugs.

Splinter approaches you. "Two beautiful daughters." He says. "What are their names?"

You point to the one with green eyes and the birthmark. "This one is Skye," you point to the one with a the brown tinge in her eyes. "And this one is Taya."

"Taya is a Japanese name." Splinter points out.

"That's why we chose it." Raph adds. "We thought it'd be nice to keep some culture in the family."

"What did you name the third one?" Splinter asks.

"Angel." You reply. "Angel Rosalie Hamato."

"That is a beautiful name." Splinter says.

"Thank you." You reply. Splinter nods and retreats back into his room.

Casey waltzes into the living room and spots the two infants. "Two!" He says in excitement. "You really hit the jackpot this time, Raph." He says, patting Raph on the shell.

"Thanks man." He replies.

"What're their names?" Casey asks.

"Skye Isabelle Hamato," you reply, pointing to Skye. "And Taya Leigh Hamato."

"They're beautiful, aren't they." April says out loud.

"I know." Raph replies.

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