The Honeymoon - Raphael

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You and Raph decided that you wanted to visit Paris for your honeymoon. When you arrive at the hotel room the first thing you see is the Eiffel Tower view from your balcony. You gasp. "C'est Magnifique!" You say.

"Since when can you speak French?" Raph asks, putting the luggage down.

"My dad's half-French." You reply, taking a seat on the bed. "Je adore cet endroit!"

Raph just smiles, having no clue what you just said. "Now I see why you chose Paris."

You nod. The sun is setting over the Eiffel Tower, but you're feeling a bit tired from jet lag. You collapse on the bed. "Jet lag is annoying." You say.

"You tired, babe?" Raph asks.

"A little bit." You reply.

"Well, allow me..." He says, hovering over you and passionately kissing you. You accept, wrapping your arms around his neck.

He pulls you up and you wrap your legs around his waist, as he throws you up against a wall. You gasp as he moves to your neck. "R-Raph..." You say. "What are you doing?"

He stops kissing your neck and looks at you straight in the eyes. "Well, here I am with my gorgeous wife and it's our honeymoon... So I kind of thought..." You give him a look. "Unless, you didn't want to...?"

"No, no, this is good." You say. Raph smirks and goes back to your neck.

Let's just say you both finally understood why Paris was called 'the city of love'.

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