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Hey guys!

Okay, so it's the 1st of July and the competition has officially closed - sorry. BUT, after much, much, MUCH consideration, I have chosen our three finalists!

Now, before I begin I just wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone who entered. I was completely flooded with entries and as much as I wanted to choose all of you, I can only choose three. I know this sounds cliche, but honestly it was extremely difficult to choose three finalists. Everyone's entries were incredibly convincing and every time I had to rule someone out as a finalist literally felt like a stab to the heart. All your entries were so incredibly sweet, and you have no idea how much it made me want to send a physical hug back. Love you guys so much!

So, with out any further ado, here are your three finalists:


Congratulations guys! I'll send you each a message with the final step to determine the winner. Good luck ❤️

As for everyone else, thank you so incredibly much for your time and for sending in your amazing messages :) I'll do another competition soon, I promise!

That's all for now!

Peace out Girl Scout! ✌🏽️

- Perri xxxxxx

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