Taya versus the world

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Before I start this chapter, I'd like to say that bullying is one of the biggest problems facing schools to this day. If you see someone being bullied or you are the person being bullied, stand up to the bully. Bullying is NOT okay, nor is it cool or mainstream to become one. So I urge you, if you see a friend or another person being bullied, don't just stand there and watch; go and tell someone or intervene - but never violently (violence is NEVER the answer). If you yourself are the person being bullied, stand up for yourself or go tell someone you trust like a teacher or a parent. You're never alone. There are always people that can help.
I'm so sorry to start this chapter on a serious note, guys. But this subject ties into the chapter, and I wanted everyone to know it's not a good thing, and you're never alone.

Taya's POV:
My firery red hair glows in the sunshine. The black streaks running through it give it a sharp edge, which I like. I clutch my books tighter to my chest, on my way to Math. It's the only class I don't have with Skye, which I don't particularly like.

I know this sounds like I don't have a backbone, but Skye is like my rock, my protector. She's the more brave one out of the two of us. Sometimes I feel like people like her more, because she's more confident. I sort of linger around in her shadow.

Although we're twins, we're very different people. My eyes have a brown tinge around the pupil, her eyes are pure green. She has a birthmark on her neck -sometimes mistaken for a hickey-, and I don't. I'm into academia and sports and she's into fashion and girly things. She's confident and bubbly, and I'm... not.

My train of thought is interrupted by someone shouting at me. "Hey!" My head snaps to the direction of the voice. "Hey! Taya Tomato-Head!" The voice shouting at me is Logan Martinez, AKA the school bully. He's surrounded by his 'gang' of brain dead groupies - Alvin, Shane, Elton and Jeremy. "Has anyone ever told you your hair looks like a tomato?" His comment is echoed by a chorus of laughter by his friends.

I just roll my eyes and keep on walking, ignoring them. "Hey! He asked you a question, Tomato-head!" Shane adds.

I keep my head down, trying to avoid making eye contact. If I ignore them, maybe they'll go away.

I was wrong.

Logan stands directly in front of me, his friends on either side, totally blocking my path. "What do you want?" I scoff.

"Why're you ignoring us, tomato-head?" Logan asks, trying to intimidate me.

"Could you stop calling me that?" I reply, trying to sound tough.

Logan turns to his friends. "Little red riding hood over here wants us to stop calling her tomato-head." Once again, this is followed by a chorus of laughter. Logan snaps his fingers. "Hey, I've got one!" I cringe at the idea of a new nickname. "Haya Tomato!"

His friends laugh again. "Because it sounds like: hey, a tomato!" Alvin gaffaws.

I look down. Why these boys are targeting me is beyond me. I try and fight back tears. It's times like these I wish Skye was here.

"Aw, is Haya Tomato gonna cry?" Logan taunts.

"Who are you calling Tomato?!" I hear a voice from behind me. I look up and spin around to see Skye - thankfully -, storming towards us.

"Uh-oh." I hear Elton whisper.

"You guys have five seconds to explain why you're tormenting my sister!" Skye booms.

I can see the guys quaking in their boots. It's pretty obvious that Skye scares them.

"W-well..." Logan babbles.

"I'm waiting..." Skye replies.

"H-her hair..."

"What's wrong with her hair?!" Skye booms again. "You guys have something against red-heads?" There's an awkward silence. "That's what I thought." She points a finger behind them. "You have three seconds to get out of my sight before I kick all of you into oblivion. One..."

"Let's get out of here!" Shane trembles, as all five of them leg it as fast as they can.

When they're gone, Skye turns to me. "I can't keep showing up to save you, Taya." She says softly. "You need to start standing up for yourself."

I nod sadly. "I know. I'm just not as confident as you are..."

"It's not about confidence. It's about growing a backbone and standing up for yourself." I nod again. Skye rests a hand on my shoulder. "You just need to believe in yourself." I smile. "Alright, you're late for Math. See you at lunch." I smile as she walks away.

I love my sister. I really do. But sometimes I wish she understood me better. I mean, she knows I'm not as confident as she is, and she doesn't understand that I'm so shy and self-conscious that I'll get a nosebleed if I try to stand up for myself.

I sigh as I wonder towards Math. So starts the tragic story of my life...

Taya versus the world.

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