Question of the day #1

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Hey guys!

So, just because I've decided I'm going to be doing this thing called Question of the day/Week. I say day but it might not be everyday depending on when I get to upload and stuff.

Anyhoo, I do have a small spoiler for you so if you don't want a little sneak peak about what's happening soon in my story then feel free to stop reading right here and skip straight to the end.


Coming soon to the book will be two new villains - also my own OC's - by the names of Banshee and Excalibur. I'm not going to tell you anything about them other than their names. My challenge to you is to comment what you think their background story is. So that's things like who you think they are (names, reason for being in NYC, reason for being linked with the turtles and/or the kids) and all that.

If any of you get it right, you're so incredibly clever and Jordan, Donnie and Einstein are very proud!

I won't be telling you if anyone got it right btw. That you'll have to figure out on your own ;)

Have fun!!!!

Perri xxxxx

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