Like paper shreds

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Shredder's POV:
I am old. I am decrepit. I am losing the plot. All that I know.

But, there is one thing that I am willing to accomplish before I take my last breath - to kill Hamato Yoshi. That human gone vermin has been pestering me for years, his slimy reptile sons too. I made a promise to myself when Tang Shen was killed, that I would seek my vengeance on him for stealing my one true love. And I will stop at nothing to do it.

Even if that means destroying the Ninja Turtles.

I call in Karai. She appears silently, wearing her black leather suit, dark hair tied back into a ponytail and her jet black mask covering half her face; her weapons are on her back glinting in the dim light.

"Hai, Master." She says, bowing.

"I have a mission for you." I say. She stands still, showing no emotion. I taught her well. "Seek out the turtles."

She suddenly becomes confused. "But, why Mast--"

"Do not ask questions!" I boom. She stands still and bows.

"Hai, Master. I understand."

"I do not care how you do it, just bring them to me." I reply, calming myself. "When I have those reptiles in my captivity, Yoshi will soon follow."

She bows. "Hai, Master." She turns to leave the room, but I stop her.

"Oh, and Karai..." I say. She turns around. "Give them a message from me." I hand her one piece of paper. She takes it without question and leaves the room, leaving me to froth joyously over my plan.

Finally, after all these years, I will have Hamato Yoshi under my control! Where he will indefinitely meet his demise.

Rats are vermin.

And vermin must be exterminated.

Karai's POV:
As I exit the lair, my curiosity takes hold. I glance down at the sheet of paper. It's addressed to Hamato Yoshi. I don't know much about my fathers past, but I know enough to know this man is trouble. He murdered my mother.

Curiosity getting the better of me, I read the letter:

For years you have ensued me in useless battles. Let me tell you, it all ends here.
If you ever want to see your precious 'sons' again, come to the dock before sunrise tomorrow. If not, they die at the hands of the Shredder.
- Saki

The ending gives me chills. Imagining the turtles being killed makes me sick. I hate the reptiles like the flu, but seeing people you know so well is torture for anyone.

I'm about to screw up the letter and walk away when something stops me. A nagging sensation in my brain is literally making me resist throwing the paper away. I can't move my fingers in the way I need to.

What is this? Some kind of mind control???

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