Baby Born - Raphael

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"RAPH!" You scream as a sharp pain shoots through your abdomen. "RAPH IT'S COMING!"

Raph races into the dojo, to see a liquid running down your legs. "Crap..." He says. He turns around and calls out to Donnie and Leo. "Guys! Get the Shellraiser ready! It's an emergency!"

Next thing you know you're being carried into the hospital by Raph (disguised by a trench coat and hat). You're lifted onto a table, where you're stripped of your jeans and underwear, and an oxygen mask is placed over your mouth. You hear a lot of muffled voices and then sharp pains through your abdomen and legs.

You look around and see a room full of strangers wearing operating masks and hospital uniforms. The only one you recognise is Raph, also wearing an operating mask but still wearing his trench coat and hat. He's standing beside you, saying encouraging things to keep you going. "Come on, Y/n, push!" He says.

You scream in agony as several sharp pains shoot through you. You feel something eject from between your legs. "That's one." You hear the doctor say.

"One?" Raph echoes. "You mean there's more?"

"There's three." The doctor replies.

Raph leans closer to you. "We're having triplets, baby!" He whispers. You smile through the oxygen mask, but then scream as another shooting pain makes its way through your legs.

"That's two!" The doctor says, as you feel something else being ejected from you.

Everything's blurry so you can't really see, but you can make out the doctors and Raph. You can't see either one of your babies yet, but you can hear little faint cries in amongst the noise.

Another contraction erupts through your abdomen, and you feel a third thing being ejected from you. "That's three." The doctor says. "Well done, Mrs Hamato." He removes the mask, and you can breathe more easily. Slowly your vision becomes less blurred, and things come into focus.

Raph is still next to you. "Good job, baby." He says, kissing you on the forehead.

You just smile. You can see two of the children being cradled by one of the nurses. She hands them to you. "Congratulations, Mrs Hamato." She says. "You've got two healthy baby girls."

"What about the third one?" Raph asks. You look up to see the third child on a table, crowded by doctors and nurses. "What's going on?" He asks again.

One of the doctors comes over to inform you. "Mr and Mrs Hamato, I'm afraid I have some sad news." Your heart skips a beat. "Your third child, also a girl, she died in the womb." You feel a stab to the chest. "I'm so sorry."

A tear escapes your eye. Raph just squeezes your hand. "I'm sorry, y/n." He says.

You just nod. "At least we've still got these two." You look down at the two baby girls. They both have Raph's green eyes, except one has a slight brown tinge to her iris. They're both human-looking, but the one without the brown tinge in her eyes has a birthmark on her neck.

"They're beautiful, Raph." You say, letting a tear of joy escape your eyes.

"Two beautiful, healthy daughters." He replies, also shedding a tear. "I don't think I've ever been so happy in all my life."

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