#Joriko date (part 2) <3

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Akiko's POV:
My heart beat increases as I walk towards Jordan; casually standing by the entrance in jeans and a black t-shirt.

His eyes light up as he sees me. I give him a warm hug. "Hi."

"Hey." He replies. He looks me up and down again. "You look great!"

"Thank you!" I reply. "So do you."

Jordan smiles and puts his hands in his pockets. "So, what do you want to see?"

Uh-oh. this is where the awkwardness sets in...

I look at all the theatrical posters dotted on the walls. "I don't really care." I reply, trying to stay cool.

I don't really know what sort of movies Jordan is into, and I'm worried that we might have an argument should I pick one he doesn't like and vice versa.

Jordan points to a science fiction looking film called Intergalaxy. "This one doesn't look so bad."

I'm not all that into sci-fi films, but I have to admit, the poster made it look interesting. I smile. "Sounds good!" I reply.

A big smile broadens across Jordan's face, and he grabs my hand, heading for the ticket office. "What can I get you?" The young woman asks.

"Two tickets to Intergalaxy, please." Jordan asks politely.

"No problem." The woman replies, printing out the tickets. "That'll be $12.90, thank you." I hand Jordan my share of the money and he hands our combined coins to the woman. "Are you two on a date?" She asks.

"Yes ma'am." Jordan replies.

"Oh how cute!" She says. "Have a good time!"

"Thank you, we will." Jordan says before walking off.

As we're wandering towards the cinema, I get a strong whiff of buttered popcorn. The scent makes me stop in my tracks, alerting Jordan. I start to drift towards the smell. I haven't had popcorn in years! I press my face on the glass of the popcorn maker, filled with yellow, buttery goodness.

Jordan smiles and grabs a jumbo box for us to share. He hands me the box. "Go on then, I've heard that New York has the best popcorn in the world."

I take a bite of the yellow treat, and instantly it melts in my mouth, sending me to salty, buttery, popcorn heaven. My eyes flicker back, and Jordan giggles. "That is some good popcorn!" I reply.

"Best in the world." Jordan repeats. He quickly looks at his watch. "Oh shoot! The movie's about to start!" He grabs my hand and drags me off towards the cinema rooms.

The ticket master rips off the top of our tickets and points us in the right direction.

This is going to be a long night...

Jordan's POV:
We're sat in Cinema 10, the movie minutes away from starting. Akiko and I sit the second row from the back - you get more privacy (wink).

Actually, I'd be lying if I said I'm not nervous. I'm so terrified my hands are sweating up a flood!

When the movie starts, our eyes are instantly glued to the screen. My stomach is in half a million knots and endless worrying thoughts are racing through my mind.

What if I go to make a move and she rejects it?

What if I accidentally burp if I try to kiss her?

What happens if I say something awkward?

What if...

What if...

What if...

I'm interrupted by Akiko tapping my shoulder and whispering my name. "Jordan? You alright?"

I shake the fog out of my head. "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine."

I try and focus on the movie, but I can't help but be distracted by Akiko's delicate hand just resting near my armrest. I'm not sure if I should gently grab it, or if that's just too soon...

Stop it, Jordan. Just enjoy the movie.

I try and pay attention to the film, which Akiko seems to be enjoying. A small smile spreads across her face.

I take a deep breath. This is it. I'm going to make a move.

I stretch my arms upwards and yawn, stretching my left arm across Akiko's chair and over her shoulder. She notices almost instantly and I suddenly feel like she's going to push me off.

Instead, she accepts it, and cuddles into me.

My heart leaps for joy. I didn't ruin the moment!

She stays in the same position for the a good half an hour. Not that I'm creepy, but I couldn't help but contemplate how good she smelled. She smelt like a delicate rose on a cold winters morning.

About halfway through the film, Akiko sits up. Uh-oh... I think to myself.

I try and look at the screen, but Akiko is watching me from the side. The two main leads are about to share a passionate kiss, when I look at Akiko.

She has this look in her eye. I can't explain it. It's like she's luring me in. Our heads slowly get closer, until our lips are millimetres away. My eyes slowly close, bracing for the impact.

Just when I think this moment can't get any better.


I open my eyes to see Akiko soaking wet and covered in blue liquid, ruining her dress.

I look up to see a three year old kid, holding the cup which I'm assuming is where the drink came from. He has a smug smile on his face. Where are this kids parents??? And who lets a three year old into a science fiction film intended for teenagers???

"Oh my god..." Akiko groans. "Ewwww!"

I help her up and we walk out of the cinema to get her cleaned up.

Well, this totally ruined a perfect night.

Akiko's POV:
Disgusting. There's no other word for it. I'm dripping from head to toe in blue fizzy drink, which has totally ruined my dress and my perfect date with Jordan!

Jordan gets me a few paper towels in an attempt to get rid of the blue drink. He tries to wipe it off, but it doesn't make a difference. "It's not working, Jordan." I say.

Jordan gives me a sad look. "I'm sorry that obnoxious kid ruined our date."

"It's not your fault." I reply.

Jordan side-smiles. "Come on, I'll walk you home."

Jordan's POV:
I start to walk Akiko home. She's still drilling in blue soda, but I still think she looks beautiful.

"You can drop me off at the lamppost about twenty yards away." She says, pointing to a glowing light in the distance.

I nod. "So, did you have fun tonight?"

"Up until the drink incident, yes." She replies.

I smile. "You know, I still think you look beautiful." She gives me a happy smile that melts my heart.

Finally we reach the lamppost. "Here we are." She says.

"Here we are." I echo. "So, I'll see you at school?"

"Yeah." She replies.

I'm not sure if I should give her a hug or shake her hand. I take a step forward to embrace her. But she stops me, resting her arms on my shoulders. "No, like this." She says.

Before I can answer, she leans in and carefully kisses me on the lips. I suddenly can feel fireworks all throughout my body, as her warm lips on mine give me tingles. I gently wrap my arms around her waist.

She breaks the kiss with a massive smile on her face. "Thanks for a great night, Jordan!" She says, skipping off.

I'm left completely speechless.

My first kiss.

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