Baby Born - Donatello

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Donnie's in his lab, while you're resting on the living room couch. You wake up to feel sharp pains all through your abdomen and legs, and a liquid trickling down your thighs. You immediately know what's going on.


Donnie and the boys rush into the room. Donnie notices the liquid and instantly knows what's happening. "Raph, towels. Leo, warm water. Mikey, stay out of the way. Go!" He says.

Everyone rushes off, while Donnie sits with you. He squeezes your hand. "Everything is going to be okay, Princess." He says. "Not to sound uncouth, but would you mind taking your jeans off?" You just giggle, trying to ignore the pain as you remove your jeans and underwear. Raph rushes back in with the towels and Leo soon follows with a bowl of warm water. You scream in agony as another shot of pain goes through your legs and abdomen. "Okay, breathe." Donnie says. "Deep breaths." You do as he says, only to feel another set of contractions. "I can see a head!" Donnie shouts. "Keep going, Y/n! You're nearly there!" You give one final push to feel something eject from between your legs. Then you hear a faint cry. Donnie wraps the infant in a towel. "It's a boy." He says. You just smile, as you look at his beautiful little face. "I told you we weren't having a girl." Donnie replies smugly. You just roll your eyes and hold your little son.

He's not 100% human. He's got a turtle shell but that's about it. Everything else seems pretty normal. He has his fathers eyes. "I love him." You say.

"Donatello Junior." Donnie adds.

You slap him on the arm. "How many times do I have to tell you? We are NOT naming our child Donatello Junior!"

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