When the kids sneak out - Michaelangelo

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Matt's POV:
I haven't been skating in weeks! I'm really starting to miss my buddies down at the halfpipe. I wonder if they're missing me...

I'm snapped out of my daydream by Aunt April waving her hand in my face. "Matt? Is anyone home?"

I shake the fog out of my head and switch back to reality. "Oh, sorry Aunt April." I grunt, blinking several times.

I look down at my blank homework page. Ew. Homework.

"It's okay." She says comfortingly, resting a hand on my shoulder. "Now, I want you to write down this numerical sum..." Her voice starts to trail off as I slowly drift back into my daydream.

I'm down at the halfpipe, hanging with all my friends. We're all showing off our sick new tricks we all learnt, and giving each other tips. The sun is shining, the halfpipe is hot, and we're all having a great time...

"Matt!" I'm interrupted again by Aunt April. "Are you even listening to me?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm listening!" I lie.

She cocks an eyebrow. "Tell me everything I just said."

My heart skips a beat as I realise I didn't understand anything she said in the past five minutes. "Uh..." Is all I manage to croak.

"Listen, Matt!" She says sternly. "Put that big brain of yours to good use!"

I know she's being sarcastic. I don't have a big brain, if any brain at all.

I sigh and pick up my pencil, trying my hardest to concentrate on whats in front of me - a blank sheet of paper. "Now," she says. "Write this sum down..."


Several hours later and Aunt April has gone home. I know she's only tutoring me because she feels sorry for me. I don't even know why she bothers; I mean, I've never been very brainy and I never will be.

Getting distracted again, I drift back into my daydream.

My buddies and I are all chilling on the edge of the bowl, eating ice cream. I chose orange - obviously. Anyway, we're all chilling on the edge of the bowl, the sun beating down on our backs and we're hot and sweaty from skating so much.


That's it! I can't concentrate because I haven't been skating in so long! It's the one thing other than Pizza that can keep me calm, focused.

I need to go skating again.

I glance at my alarm clock. Only 7:00. It's still early.

I grab my board and head for the door, before I'm stopped by my dad. "Where do you think you're going, dude?" He asks.

"Skating." I reply innocently.

He looks at the clock on the wall. "Not at this hour you're not."

"But daaaaad..." I whine.

"No buts." He says. I giggle at his childish innuendo and he gives me a look. He points to the rack near the dojo. "Board. Over there. Now."

I groan as I tragically plod over towards the rack, leaving my poor abandoned skateboard to gather dust until I return.

"Goodbye, my friend..." I mumble dramatically. "I'll come back for you..."


Okay, it's been over three hours since I left my board, and the suspense has been killing me! I need to go skating.

Like now.

Mikey's POV:
"You probably shouldn't have been so hard on him, Mikey." Y/n says softly. "He is your son, after all."

She hands me a plate of pizza while I sit on the floor, feeling guilty about telling Matt off. "I'm his dad, Y/n. I have to show some authority every once in a while!"

"Yeah but did you have to be so negative?" She argues back. "You're his role model. He looks up to you." I nod sadly. "And besides, skateboarding is his passion just as much as it is yours. Maybe letting him go will help him improve his grades?"

I scoff. "Like you said, he is my son."

She gives me a cold glare. "Nice, Mikey."

"I'm not saying he's stupid!" I counteract. "I'm just saying... He's no Donnie."

"And you're no Jamie Oliver." Donnie grunts walking past.

Y/n keeps her cold gaze on me. "Look, I'm not willing to get into an argument with you. Just deal with it."

I sigh heavily. She's right. She's always right.

I walk towards Matt's room, intending to apologise for being so tough on him earlier. I run through what I want to say in my head, before knocking on the door.

"Matty? You in there, man?" I ask. There's no response, so I knock again. "Matt?" Still silence. I'm assuming he's just giving me the silent treatment, so I go ahead and say what I wanted to say. "Listen, little dude, I'm sorry for being so harsh on you earlier. You can go skating with your friends tomorrow after school, and I'll take you out for ice-cream after. How does that sound?" I'm expecting him to open his door and accept my apology, but instead there's still silence. Starting to grow impatient, I open his door slightly. "Matt?"

There's no one inside. The room is completely undisturbed. Starting to panic I rummage through his room to see if he's been kidnapped. Nothing. Y/n hears me searching and stands in the doorway.

"Mikey, what are you doing?" She asks.

"He's gone!" I say in a frazzle.

"Who's gone?"



"He's just gone!"

"What do you mean, gone?" She asks, starting to panic also.

"He's just up and left!" I shriek, my voice making a shrill sound at the end.

Suddenly, an idea pops into my head. I go out into the living room, and look at the rack where Matt left his skateboard and helmet. They're both missing.

Shock and anxiety suddenly overcome me, as well as astonishment.

Why that cheeky little devil...

Matt's POV:
I start to pick up speed as I roll down the street towards the skate bowl. All the while I'm skating, I have this nagging feeling that I'm being watched ...or followed.

I brush it off as probably just some New Yorkers doing their business (I mean, come on this is the city that never sleeps!) and focus on my objective.

I know my mom and dad are probably going to kill me when I get back, but what the heck! Do it for the thrills.

I finally make it to the halfpipe, and the entire place is deserted. Nothing but echoing sirens and city lights to fill the void.

"Sweet." I say to myself. "Got the place to myself."

Taking advantage of the privacy, I take off down the bowl, showing off as much as I can to anyone who walks past - not that any of them notice me. Eventually I build up the courage to try a trick I've never attempted before - a 270 spin with a slide down the rail and board flip at the end, all consecutively.

I take a deep breath, before speeding down the hill. I execute the spin perfectly, however, I lose my balance when I go to jump on the rail, sending me flying. I land a few metres away from my board, and end up scraping my knee. It stings as I look at it, the bright red blood slowly dripping down my leg and staining my jeans.

"See what happens when you don't wear knee and elbow pads." I hear a familiar voice say.

I look up to see my dad, arms folded across his chest and his usually happy face replaced with a sour one. "D-dad..." I stutter.

"I told you you weren't allowed to go out!" He says.


"No buts!" He says again. This time I don't laugh at his joke as he helps me up. "You are in BIG trouble young man."


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