New book *UPDATE*

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Hey guys!

So, after reading all the lovely beautiful comments on the chapter where I announced I wanted to write another book, I have come to a decision.

Introducing: Forbidden - a Leo x Karai love story

Leonardo - a mutant turtle who lives with his adoptive father, Splinter, and his three other brothers. Karai - a highly trained kunoich who's father is a deadly villain in search of vengeance. His goal? To kill Splinter and obliterate the turtles. When Karai and Leo first meet, there is an obvious attraction - both mentally and physically. But when the young lovers are caught up in a war between their fathers, their romance is thrown into jeopardy. How can you hide something so forbidden?

It's coming soon, so watch this space!

What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments!

New chapters coming soon! Love ya'll soooooo much! xxx

- Perri xoxo

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