Casey and April's wedding!!!!

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Casey's POV:

This is it. The big day has finally arrived. After all these years of pursuing her, after all that we've been through together, I'm finally marrying the girl of my dreams; the beautifully stunning, amazingly smart, kick-ass redhead, April O'Neill.

I chose Raph to be my best man. I mean, it's the least I can do after all he's done for me. April and I agreed our venue was going to be her farm upstate. I mean, it's quiet, it's private, it's away from all the craziness of the city - it's perfect.

I'm in the turtles lair, getting ready. To be honest, to say that I'm freaking out is an understatement. Leo helps me straighten my tie. "Nervous?" He asks.

"A... a little bit..." I say.

"Don't worry about it, Casey." Raph says, walking in. "She said she'd marry you, that's the main thing."

"All I need to panic about now is if she says 'I do'." I reply.

"She will." Leo adds, slightly adjusting my tie. He takes a step back. "You look great!"

I turn to the mirror behind me, and get a shock. I'm starring at some guy wearing a white shirt with a black tux and black tie, jet black hair slicked back neatly, looking all polished and refined. That seriously can't be me! "Wow..." I say.

"You scrub up pretty well." Raph says, resting a green hand on my shoulder. "Now all you need to do is say 'I do'."

Suddenly the realisation of everything that's happening hits me like a giant hockey puck. I suddenly feel faint. "You okay there, Casey?" Leo asks.

Everything becomes blurry and all the sounds in the background slowly begin to fade out as I feel my balance slowly deteriorate. Luckily, Raph catches me before I can hit my head on the concrete floors. "Whoa there..." He says, gently straightening me back up.

"I need to sit down..." I say, steadily wandering towards the couch.

This is a really big day for me, and I can't blow it. April's been all I could ever think about for the past 5 years, and this is my one shot to make it all worthwhile. Today I'm not Casey Jones the screw up; today I'm Casey Jones the happily married man!

April's POV:

Today's the day! The sun is shinning, the birds and singing, and I am freaking the hell out over here! As of this moment, I officially hate wedding shows. Why does everyone look so calm? I've never been so stressed in all my life!

The girls are my bridesmaids, and I'm getting ready at my apartment. I chose for them to wear beautiful pastel yellow silk dresses with thin straps, their hair all done up in buns with curled bangs to frame their faces. My dress is just a simple, white strapless dress with a bit of floral decoration at the top of the bodice.

I emerge from inside my room, to be greeted by a chorus of squeals and giggles. "April you look beautiful!" D/W says.

"You look like a princess!" M/W adds.

"You belong on the catwalk!" R/W giggles.

"Casey's a lucky guy!" L/W says, smiling.

"Thank you," I reply. "You all look beautiful as well!" 

They return the smile. "You nervous?" R/W asks.

"Just a bit..." I say, struggling to breathe. I wander towards the couch. "I think I just need a moment to breathe..."

They carefully guide me towards it, and gently sit me down. R/W rushes to get me a glass of water. "Everything will be fine, just relax." L/W says, holding my hand.

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