Turtle Notes #17

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Hey beautiful people!

I haven't done a turtle notes in like FOREVER! So it's definitely time for a catch up :)

So, how is everyone doing? Anyone on break? Having a good day wherever you are?

Allow me to just clean up the half a million tissues I used trying to dry my tears after that last chapter (Let him go...). That was probably the most emotional chapter I have ever written. I actually cried myself, even thought I know it already happened in BH6.

Trying to portray Dawn's pain was probably one of the most depressing things I have ever written. I don't like writing about Death, but whenever there's a crossover you need to have some elements from the story line of the other... Story?

Anyway, comment your thoughts on what you think will happen now that Tadashi is gone? Will Dawn move onto Matt? Will GoGo move onto Matt? Comment what you think!

Alrighty then!

Peace out Girl Scout ✌🏽

- Perri xoxoxo

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