When they bond: Michaelangelo

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Matt and Mikey are in the kitchen, while you're in the living room reading through one of Mikey's comics. "Next, you put the toppings on." Mikey says, gently scattering some grated cheese and pepperoni all over his pizza creation. He's trying to teach Matt how to make the perfect Pizza. "Then you put it in the oven to cook." He gently slides it into the oven on a baking tray.

"Booyakasha!" Matt cries in excitement. Mikey smiles and gives him a high five.

"That's right little dude, BOOYAKASHA!" Matt giggles and Mikey gently picks him up.

"Having fun in there, Gordan Ramsay and co?" You ask sarcastically.

"I'm just showing the kid how to make a decent pizza." Mikey replies, gently setting Matt down. You watch him as he toddles off to his play pen, where there's a pretend built in kitchen. He pretends to toss an imaginary pizza through the air like Mikey, adding sound effects.

"The way he's going he'll be able to outdo your cooking by the age of 3!" You reply.

"No one can outdo Mikey's cooking." He says with a smirk.

Matt comes over holding his imaginary pizza on an imaginary platter. "Mommy, Daddy!" He says, holding the imaginary platter up, offering it to you.

"Thank you, Matty." You reply, taking an imaginary slice. Mikey does the same, and Matt walks off giggling. "Are you making a pizza, like daddy?" You ask him.

Matt giggles and nods. "He's like my very own mini-me." Mikey adds.

"Minus the shell." You giggle.

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