When they bond: Raphael

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"Daddy!" You wake to hear Skye giggling.

"My turn! My turn!"

You can hear Skye and Taya laughing outside. You rub both your eyes and walk outside to see Raph gently swinging both your daughters around, one at a time.

He's slowly swinging Taya around, while Skye sits patiently on the couch, giggling excitedly. When Skye sees you she races over. "Mamma! Mamma!" She says tugging at your shirt. "Look at Taya!"

Taya is giggling uncontrollably while Raph gently swings her about with a big smile on his face. When he sees you he puts her down. "Morning, beautiful." He says, lightly pecking you on the lips. His voice is all sexy and husky, so he probably only woke up a few minutes before you.

"Morning. Having fun are we?" You reply, looking down at the twins.

They just both giggle and hug Raph's legs. "Again, Daddy! Again!" Skye says excitedly.

"Maybe a bit later, sweetheart. Daddy's got to have some breakfast." He says taking a few steps, the girls still clinging on tightly and giggling.

You look at both of them sweetly. "Why don't you two go and play with Lily or Jordan?"

"Okay!" They say in unison as they rush off to find Lily and Jordan.

You look at Raph who's still very tired looking. "They're a handful." He says.

"Just wait till they're teenagers." You reply, taking a sip of your freshly made coffee. "You'll be fighting off boys left, right and centre."

"I'm not letting any filthy handed boy near my beautiful daughters." Raph growls protectively.

You place a hand on his shoulder. "Who wouldn't be scared of a mutant ninja turtle?"

"You weren't. When we met." He replies. You roll your eyes and he gently pecks your lips. "And look where it got you."

"Best decision of my life."

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