Turtle Notes #6

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Hi beauties! Perri here :)

I've been looking over my chapters, and it seems that you guys like reading my Turtle Notes. Do you want me to do them more often?

How did you guys like the Meeting Your Parents chapters? I know they were a bit frustrating, because none of the parents accepted the turtles or even wanted the kids in their lives... But hey, some people just cannot handle the amazingness of the Ninja Turtles.

I hope you all had a good Easter and were spoiled rotten with chocolatey treats! And for all my Jewish readers, I hope you had a wonderful Passover!

I don't usually do this, but I'm going to give away a few spoilers on upcoming chapters:
- There's a first day of School chapter coming up soon, and some familiar characters may reappear as well as some new ones!

- April and Casey haven't been mentioned a lot recently, so there's a surprise coming soon for them too!

- There are some massive plot twists coming soon because very quickly the kids will be approaching their teen years!

- Another major surprise coming soon too! Not giving away any hints on this one ;)

Here's a challenge:
Since the kids will soon be approaching their teen years, there will be some dating scenarios coming up. So, I'm curious to know: who would you ship with who? Don't forget other characters like Akiko! You never know, maybe I'll do a few ship chapters? ;)

Peace out Girl Scout ✌️

- Turtleluvah xoxo

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