Halloween ^.^

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Leo's POV:
Being a mutant turtle, it's very difficult to bLend in to your surroundings - especcially in New York City. But, there's only one night a year when the rules change, and we are free to roam around without suspicion - Halloween.

The kids are dressed up and ready to go. Lily decided to dress up as a princess, Matt decided to be a pirate, Jordan is a mad scientist (Yep, he's definitely Donnie's kid) and the twins decided to go as Siamese Cat Twins. The girls decided to stay home and take care of April, who's still getting used to pregnancy. So, it's just the boys, Casey and the kids.

We climb up the ladder to the world above. There are kids dressed up as everything from swamp monsters to fairies wandering around everywhere. Raph takes a deep breath. "I love halloween." He says. "The one day of the year where we're not the only ones looking like freaks."

"True dat." Mikey replies.

Donnie crouches down. "Okay kids, where to first?"

Jordan points to the left. "Let's go this way first."

A few houses and several scoops of candy later, the kids show no signs of slowing down. We approach one house decorated from top to bottom in halloween themed gimicks like Jack-O-Lantern's and plastic skeletons. Matt rings the doorbell and a sweet looking old lady answers it.

"Trick or treat!" The kids say in unison.

"Oh, how lovely." She says. "What have we got here? A princess, a scientist, a pirate, two little cats..." She looks up at us. "...And what are you boys?" She asks as politely as possible.

"We're ninja turtles, ma'am." I reply.

"And what about you?" She asks, looking at Casey who's just wearing a hockey mask.

"I'm a masked hockey murderer." He replies, lifting the mask. "I have my own sticks and everything."

The woman just smiles and nods, before shovelling bits of candy into the kids individual buckets. "Have a good halloween!" She says before closing the door.

We continue walking down the street. Mikey tries to make a swipe for one of Matt's lollipops. "Hey!" Matt says.

"What?" Mikey replies, hiding the lollipop behind his back. I roll my eyes as Matt gives Mikey a cold glare before facing the front again. Mikey smiles in victory and hides the lollipop in his belt.

I look around at the neighbourhood. There are kids absolutely everywhere. It's nice to see everything at peace. No villians that need to be stopped, no Shredder to defeat... I'm suddenly distracted by a pair of gold/yellow eyes across the street. It was a woman dressed in all black, a cloth covering her nose, mouth and chin and her hair was jet black.


It can't be...


What would she be doing out here? I thought that after ...what happened, she'd run away to japan. What is she doing back here? Why is she back here? Is she back to working with Shredder? Suddenly my heart skips a beat. What will happen when she finds out about Y/n and Lily?

I haven't seen Karai in years! I wonder if after what happened, she still hates me...?

It has been a while.

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