A confession...

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This chapter is quite long, so I apologise in advance!

New code:
L/W = Leo's wife
R/W = Raph's wife
D/W = Donnie's wife
M/W = Mikey's wife

You all arrive back from your honeymoons with hours difference. The first to come home is Donnie and D/W. They're greeted by Splinter, who kindly welcomes them back. "Was it quiet with us being away, Sensei?" Donnie asks.

"Not really. April and Casey stayed around to keep me company." He replies, just as April and Casey walk into the room ...hand in hand?! Donnie's the first to notice.

"Since when was this happening?" He asks, pointing between the two.

"Since Raph and R/W's wedding." Casey replies.

"You two are so cute together!" You add. April blushes slightly.

"So, how was the honeymoon?" April asks. "I want to hear every detail!" She takes both your hands and you sit on the couch and discuss.

"Italy is absolutely beautiful!" You reply. "You'd love it!"

Since you and Donnie had gotten married, you and April have gotten a lot closer. Since she made that beautiful speech at the reception, you felt like giving her a second chance. She'd truly demonstrated that she had changed for the better.

"Do you have any photos?" April asks.

"Yeah I think--" You go to grab your phone when you feel a gurgling in your stomach. At first you ignore it, but then it gets worse. You feel something inching up your throat and realise that you're not just hungry. You get up and rush to the bathroom, throwing up in the toilet.

"Y/n?" Donnie asks, knocking on the door. "You okay?" You try to reply but you're cut off by more explosive vomit. Donnie opens the door to see you throwing up all inside the toilet bowl. "Oh man, that's nasty." He says. He holds his breath and pats you on the back. "Just let it all out." He says soothingly.

After about fifteen minutes you feel like you're finally finished. You flush the toilet and warily make your way back into the living room. During the time you had been in the bathroom, L/W and Leo had come back from Greece.

"Oh, hey guys!" You say.

"You alright now, Y/n?" Donnie asks.

"Yeah I think so." You reply.

"What's wrong?" L/W asks.

"I've just been vomiting for the past twenty minutes." You reply.

"Funny that." Leo adds. "L/W was vomiting all of yesterday."

"That is weird..." Casey interrupts.

"It can't be a stomach virus; no one else is sick and the four of us were on completely different continents." Donnie adds.

Just then, M/W and Mikey burst through the door, M/W holding a bucket to her chest. "Hey dudes!" Mikey says.

"Hey Mike--" Leo begins. "Is she alright?" He asks, pointing to M/W.

"She's been throwing up all morning. I don't know what's wrong with her." Mikey replies.

"So have L/W and I." You add.

I have no idea what's happening right now but at the moment three out of four of us girls all have the same illness. We've all been vomiting, and no one knows why.

Suddenly R/W and Raph burst through the door. "Hey everyone!" Raph says cheerfully. At least someone sounds like they had a great honeymoon. He looks around and sees everyone looking very puzzled. "Am I missing something?" He asks.

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