He's always watching... Part 7 (final part)

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Leo's POV:
I stand there, completely stunned by what's in front of me - Karai. I didn't even realise she was back, let alone have her own family!

The two children cling to either one of her legs. I'm assuming that they're twins, as they look the same age and have the exact same gold eyes. They look utterly terrified, which is understandable. I mean, I'm a giant freaking turtle!

Karai looks at me blankly. It seems she's just as confused as I am. Blocking out whatever's happening around us, my eyes are fixed on Karai. She's changed a lot since I last saw her. She looks more mature, more elegant. Then again, she is a mother of two children.

I hear Raph's gruff voice behind me. "Leo? What are you doing?" I ignore him, still watching Karai. There's a silence between us for a few moments, only the sound of the fight around us to fill the emptiness. Eventually I snap back from my daydream and into the real world.

"What are you doing here?" I ask her. "I thought you were still in Japan?"

"I came back." She replies bluntly.

At this point, Raph, Donnie and Mikey have practically cleared the warehouse of foot soldiers; now able to focus their attention towards Karai and I. Donnie's the first to notice. "Karai?" He says in disbelief.

Raph and Mikey catch on, and follow Donnie to join our little Mexican stand off. The girls have now ushered the kids outside to stay with April, and are slowly joining in too. Y/n instantly sees Karai and a spark of jealousy flickers in her eyes. "Who is she?" She asks sharply.

Karai looks directly at her, looking her up and down before rolling her eyes and looking back at me. "The question is, who is she?" She points to Y/n.

Y/n, now getting very territorial, saunters towards Karai. "I am his wife!" She hisses.

Karai scoffs and completely ignores Y/n. Y/n looks incredibly upset now, her face glows red like a traffic light, and Raph is forced to stand between the two women. "Keep the catfights to a minimum, please." He says, pushing both girls back.

"What are you doing back here, Karai?" Donnie asks.

"I had unfinished business to tend to." She shoots me an icy glare. I know that comment was directed towards me.

Y/n suddenly interrupts. "What does she mean, unfinished business?" She steps between Karai and I. "Leo? Who is she?"

I take a deep breath. I'm about to explain everything to her. About my past, everything to do with Karai. I'm not sure if she can handle it, but she is my wife, and she loves me. As part of our marriage we agreed not to keep secrets from each other. Here goes nothing...

I sigh deeply as Karai ushers her kids off into the shadows. "Karai is the adoptive daughter of Shredder."

"Adoptive?!" Karai echoes in fury.

"Shredder?!" Y/n says.

"I am not adopted! He's my father!" Karai adds.

I ignore her and continue in my story. "Being Shredder's daughter, naturally he brought her up to a life of combat against us. When Karai and I were teenagers, we sparked feelings for each other..."

"WHAT?!" Y/n shouts, glaring at Karai. "When?! Before or after we met?!"

I wave my hands in front of me. "No, no, no, WAY before I met you." She nods. "Anyway, clearly we could never be together. I mean, her father was trying to kill me and my brothers, as well as Splinter." Karai starts to look hurt. "So, I told her we could never be. She got so upset she disappeared. I saw her one other time, when she was mutated, but that was it. A few years later I heard she ran away to Japan, where I'm assuming is where your two kids were born." Karai nods. "...and now she's back."

Y/n looks at Karai, partly in shock, partly in sympathy, partly in scorn. Karai sighs and turns around so she doesn't face me. "That's not all that happened..."

Karai's POV:
I take a deep breath and slowly turn around to face Leo. "When I left the night you told me we could never be together, I went back to Shredder's lair - angry. I made a vow to myself that I would kill you all, with or without Shredder's help. Then..." I take a deep breath. "Then there was the accident."

"When you were dropped into the mutagen." Donnie finishes.

Karai nods. "After that I tried to run away, but somehow he always found me. I don't know how, but he did. He eventually fixed me up so I don't mutate into a giant snake anymore, but he did something else... I can't remember what it was... All I remember is being strapped to a giant chair and then a big machine put on my head. This was just after Splinter had told me I was his daughter."

"You ARE his daughter!" Mikey interrupts.

"No, I'm not!" Karai hisses back. "My father is Oroku Saki! He is the one who raised me, taught me everything I know! Your miserable vermin rat sensei was the one who murdered my mother!" We all look a little shocked. Karai tucks a stray hair behind her ear.
"Anyway, one night I was in my dojo, training, when Shredder walked in." I shudder at the memory. "He told me I was doing a great job and that I deserved a reward. Next thing I know..." I let a tear escape my eyes. "He's holding me tightly... Too tightly... And I felt something inside me..."

The girls hands cover their mouths in shock. They know exactly what I'm talking about. "No..." Donnie says in disbelief.

I swallow a lump in my throat. "He raped me..." Everyone stares at me in shock, disbelief and worry. "That's when I ran away to Japan. I didn't care if he was my father, I didn't want to be around if that's what he was going to do to me..." I pause. "Then, around about 9 months later..."

"Oh my god..." Raph says, eyes wider than a cereal bowl.

"...Blade and Akiko were born."

Everyone looks at me in shock. "S-so what you're saying is..." Y/n stutters.

"Blade and Akiko's father is Shredder, yes."

I'm interrupted by Raph gagging in the corner. He's comforted by who I assume is his wife. "That doesn't explain why you're back." Leo says.

I look at him deep in his gorgeous blue eyes. "I came back for me." I reply. "Not for you, for Shredder or anybody else. I came back for me. I wanted to start a new life here, away from Shredder, but once again... He found me. I remember being strapped to the exact same machine, and when it was over, I suddenly had no hate for Shredder anymore. I knew what he'd done, yet I had no distaste for it anymore. I still feel hurt by what happened, but it no longer angers me to think about it. But when I got back into ninjitsu, I found that Shredder was using Akiko and Blade for missions more than he used me."

"Well done, Karai..." We all hear a booming voice say from somewhere in the shadows. "You explained them your life story." Suddenly, Shredder emerges from the shadows, followed by several other villains including Bebop, Rocksteady, and Purple Dragons. He turns to his little army. "Men," he says outstretching a hand. "Kill them."

Suddenly the wave of villains race towards the turtles, as they usher their wives outside. They get their weapons ready, and Leo looks at me. "Karai, get out of here! Now!"

"No!" I reply, pulling out a sword, my new weapon. "This is my battle too."

Leo rolls his eyes, and I suddenly feel my heart flutter. Wait, what?

When the army strikes, we waste no time clearing the warehouse. However, it seemed Shredder had more back up than we first thought. Eventually there was too many of them, and we had to flee the warehouse.

We climb onto the roof, covered in scratches, cuts and bruises. Leo approaches me. "Good fighting." He says.

"Thanks." I reply.

Leo looks at me seriously. "Did you really come back for you? Just you?"

I swallow a lump in my throat, but hear Shredder calling my name from below. I give him a sad look. "No." I say before jumping below.

I felt a sudden happiness explaining everything tonight. I felt like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Leo's question burns in the back of my mind though. Why did he want to know that? Why is it any of his business? Anyway, it wasn't just me I came back for.

It was Leo too.

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