When they bond: Leonardo

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You wake up one early morning to hear giggling coming from the lounge room. Sleepily, you walk outside to see Leo and Lily on the floor. Lily's claiming all over Leo, while he carefully picks her up and swings her about. She giggles loudly as he gently falls to the ground, holding her to his chest gently. Lily looks up and sees you. She climbs off Leo and starts running towards you.

"Mommy! Mommy!" She says.

"Good morning, Lily-Lou." You say, picking her up and resting her on your hip.

Leo gets up and dusts himself off. "Morning, sweetheart." He says, kissing you on the cheek.

Lily giggles as she gets squashed between you two. "Look at you two, being the best of friends." Leo smiles at Lily who can't stop giggling. "You're daddy's little girl, aren't you?"

"It's a shame she can't stay that way." Leo replies, giving you another kiss on the cheek.

You smile and gently put her down. She wanders off after Leo.

It's true. It's a shame she can't stay so young and little forever. But that's just how life works. You can't stop time and just keep it that way forever. You've got to move on, and no matter how hard you wish, Lily isn't going to stay a little girl forever. So you have to savour every moment you have while she's this age.

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