When the kids sneak out - Raphael

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Taya's POV:
"You're going where?" I ask in disbelief.

"Stop being so melodramatic!" Skye hisses. "You wouldn't understand." She puts on a dab of lip gloss before pursing her lips together. "It's only a party."

"Yeah, at a sixteen year old's house!" I reply.

"So?" Skye sasses.

"So?" I echo. "You're thirteen!"

"But I got invited." She replies, planting both hands on her hips. "And it would be rude to turn it down."

"Who's place is it at?" I ask, curiosity getting the better of me.

"You don't know them." She replies, avoiding eye-contact.

"Skye," I say sternly.

"Christina Herring." She finally replies.

"As in the school slut?!" I reply in shock.

"Language, Taya!" Skye hisses back at me.

"Skye, you're going to get yourself in trouble!" I warn her. "Either with the police or worse: mom and dad!"

"Oh puhlease!" She says.

"If they find out, they will kill you!"

She turns around and crosses both arms over her chest, her face close to mine. "Well, you had better not tell them."

I swallow my pride. I've never fought with Skye this much over anything, at least not since we were in diapers. "Yeah, well it would serve you right if I did."

Skye's expression turns sour. "You wouldn't dare."

"Wouldn't I?" I reply, taking a few steps towards the door.

"Okay! Okay!" Skye says, finally surrendering.

"You're not going?" I ask, my hopes getting high.

Skye hangs her head in defeat. "No..."

"Good." I reply, a sense of accomplishment and pride overwhelming me.

Out of all the times I've fought with Skye, I've never had a victory. Is it normal to have an inflated ego afterwards?

Skye's POV:
It's 9:45. The party starts at 10:00.

I look over my shoulder at Taya, sound asleep in her bed. I feel a bit guilty doing this to her, but when life gives you an invite to the hottest party of the year, you take it without question.

I gently remove both my black stilettos, before tip-toeing out the door in complete silence and stealth.

Letting out a sigh of relief, I make my way up the ladder to the world above, the slightly cold air sending a shrill of excitement down my spine.

I make my way towards the address. I know it's Christina's house because it's the only one with strobe lighting coming from inside.

With my heart beating faster, I walk towards the house as confidently as I possibly can.

When I open the door, I'm almost completely knocked back by the sound of the music and the flashing lights. But I put on a brave face and walk in like the confident girl I'm trying to be.

This is going to be a long night...

Taya's POV:
I can't believe she lied to me! She's my twin sister!

I followed behind Skye as she makes her way towards Christina's house. Even standing several yards away from her house gives me bad vibes.

I watch from behind a bush as Skye enters the house. Every instinct inside me is telling me to run the opposite direction and rat her out to our parents.

But I'm her sister.

More than that, I'm her TWIN sister. And as her twin sister it's my duty to protect her from life's temptations.

I sigh deeply as I follow Skye into the house, with every step I take stabbing me with guilt.

Skye's POV:
Everywhere I look is unfamiliar faces. I keep looking to see if I can see at least someone I know.

I walk into what I assume is the lounge room, where all the furniture has been moved to one side and the entire room is full of 16 year olds who I don't know.

Suddenly I spot someone I know in the corner - Christina Herring (AKA the girl who invited me). Putting on a brave face, I strut towards her to say hi. But my confident journey is short lived as I'm interrupted by a tall guy with muscular shoulders cutting in front of me and walking towards Christina, nearly knocking me over.

I watch as she says hi, and he hands her a drink. My stomach suddenly flips as she shoves her tongue down his throat. If that's how she says thank you, I don't want to know how she says please!

I turn around, only to be interrupted by accidentally walking into someone holding a drink. The liquid is spilt all over my shirt, totally ruining it. I gasp loudly. Everyone turns and looks, and almost instantly burst into a round of laughing and pointing.

"Look at her!" I hear someone taunt. "She looks about twelve!"

"Who would invite a sad kid like her?" I hear someone else say.

Feeling sad and sorry for myself, and on the verge of tears, I walk out into the hallway as fast as I can, only to bump into the last person I want to see.


"TAYA?!" I shriek, terrified and shocked. "W-what are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same question." She replies sassily. She looks at the big wet stain all over my shirt. "What happened to you?"

"Long story." I reply. "I just want to go home..."

"Why did you lie to me?" Taya interrupts.

"Taya, not now..." I hush.

"No, why did you lie to me? I'm your sister!"

"Enough, Taya..."

"You had better pray that dad doesn't impale you with his sai when we get back!"

"Taya!" I finally shout. "That is enough! We're leaving!"

I grab her hand and drag her out the door, wet and hot and upset. We stand out on the lawn, neither of us very happy.

"You're always telling me I need to grow a backbone and do things for myself." She says. "Isn't it ironic that the one always trying to help me, is the one who suddenly needs helping?"

"Taya, I'm done with this." I say, taking off my stilettos. I'm about to turn around when I hear a familiar gruff voice.


We both spin around as the colour slowly drains from our faces. Standing right in front of me is our parents, neither looking very pleased. I've never seen dad so worked up before in my life!



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