Faking it

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Lily's POV:
I can't believe I am doing this. The things I do for my cousins.

I approach GoGo, who is at her locker swapping over books. "Hey GoGo," I say. She looks over and blows a purple bubble.

"What's up, Lily?" She asks, switching over books.

I lean in closer. "I was watching you with Tadashi this morning," I say, lowering my voice to a whisper. "You seem a bit agitated about him and Dawn hooking up?"

She suddenly pauses and looks over at me. "What are you? Some kind of a stalker?"

I start to panic. Matt will never speak to me again if I stuff this up. "No, I just couldn't help but notice you don't seem too happy."

She looks me up and down before turning back to her books and shutting her locker. "Tadashi is my best friend." She says, leaning against her locker door. "Why would I be agitated about his new girlfriend?"

I give her a sheepish look. "Call it a talent, but I can sense when people are annoyed."

She sighs and starts walking with me. "Okay, this Dawn chick gets on my nerves. So what? It's not like I like Tadashi or anything."

I look over at her with one eyebrow raised. "You're digging yourself a hole, you know that?"

She sighs. "Okay, so I like Tadashi." She finally admits. "But he's my best friend. I don't want to ruin our friendship."

I smile as I do a victory dance in my head. "I may have an idea..." I say.

She looks at me, intrigued. "Go on." she says.

"Do you know Matt Hamato?" I ask.

She thinks for a moment. "Is he the shortish guy with the messy brown hair? Wears beanies and backwards caps? Blue eyes? Likes to skateboard?"

I nod. "Also my cousin." She looks puzzled. "Okay, so he had a crush on Dawn too--"

"Until she hooked up with Tadashi." GoGo interrupts.

"Yeah." I continue. "Well, how would you like to get some revenge?"

GoGo's eyes light up. "And get my friendship back with Tadashi? Sign me up!"

I smile. This is going to be fun.

Matt's POV:
I'm at my locker, swapping over books. Earlier this morning, Lily told me she was going to talk to GoGo about our little plan.

This is how it works:
GoGo apparently likes Tadashi, and I like Dawn. If GoGo and I pretend to date, then maybe we can get Tadashi and Dawn jealous and they'll come crawling back! Plain and simple.

My train of thought is interrupted by a tallish figure joining me at my locker. "Matt?" She asks.

I turn to see GoGo standing right by me. My pulse quickens and my palms start to get sweaty. She's taller than I thought up close, and her perfume makes me want to eat her alive - but I won't because that's cannibalism.

"Yo," I say. "You must be Leiko Tamaka?"

"Call me GoGo." She replies. "Your cousin Lily was talking to me this morning and she told me you had a plan to do with Tadashi and that new chick, Dawn?"

I smile. "Walk with me." I say, walking down the hall with her following. I explain to her the plan, and how it's going to work. She seems very interested and is all for it.

"So when do we start this master plan?" She asks later at lunch. We're sitting together at a table away from my cousins and Tadashi and Dawn.

"Right now." I reply.

She stiffens up and sits up. "Woah, dude." She says. "I'm all for speed, but take it slow, okay?"

I salute. "Yes Ma'am." I notice Dawn and Tadashi about to walk past us, and I look to GoGo. "They're coming!" I hiss. "Pretend I told you a joke or something!"

Just as Tadashi and Dawn walk past, GoGo begins laughing - granted it does sound pretty fake, but it's realistic enough to get Tadashi's attention. His head snaps to GoGo, and his expression changes from happy to slightly disappointed.

GoGo and Matt 1, Tadashi and Dawn 0.

GoGo looks at me. "Did you see that?" She says. "Tadashi is going to be so jealous!"

"We did good, dudette!" I say, offering her a fist bump.

As our knuckles touch, I have an electric feel shoot down my arm. Not like a shock, but like a warm and fuzzy feeling. I lean back and smile at GoGo, who is celebrating her victory.

As I watch her, the whole world seems to slow down, and all I can focus on is GoGo. She just seems so... So beautiful.


Matt! What are you doing?! You're doing this so you can get Dawn! You can't like GoGo, that's not part of the plan! Snap out of it!

But the problem is, I can't.


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