A very important chapter

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Hey darlings!

Okay, so I was inspired by @KikiTMNT and @KemnaRaphBUSCUS to do this little chapter, because I feel so helpless that I can't ever really give back to you guys for all that you do for me.

So, this isn't exactly going to constitute a hug or even an actual greeting, but I felt like it was time I showed a little bit more of myself (and yes, I know how wrong that sounds).

But because I am a paranoid person, I decided that rather than posting a photo of myself on the internet for the whole world to see, I would draw myself. Please bare in mind that this is as close to myself as I could draw and so I don't look EXACTLY like this.

In other news, I just wanted to thank you guys so much for all the support you've given me on this massive journey. I can't even comprehend the amount of love and support I get from you guys; it's absolutely overwhelming. I get messages from you guys saying: I love your work! You're amazing! And I really cannot express to you guys how much I love you and how happy each and every one of you make me.

So thank you so so so much for everything you've done for me. I know I say it all the time but I really mean it. I really do.

I love you guys so much

Peace out!

- Perri xxxxx

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