When the kids turn 15 - part 2

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You and Leo followed Lily into the dojo, where Splinter was waiting. He sat in a lotus position, meditating.

Lily stood before him silently, while you and Leo stood by the door and proudly watched. Unsure of what to do, Lily turned around to face you and Leo and mouthed: what do I say?

Leo just urged her forward with his hand. Lily rolled her eyes and faced Splinter while rocking back and forth from heel to toe. Finally working up the courage to gain Splinters attention, she cleared her throat.

Splinter rested his palms on his knees, but kept his eyes shut and his legs in the same position. "Good morning, Lily." He says. "Happy fifteenth birthday."

"Thank you, Grandpa Splinter." Lily replied.

"Sit, child." Splinter said, pointing to the floor. He opens both his eyes and smiles at her. "When your father and Uncles were this age, they were granted access up to the surface for the first time." Lily turns back and smiles at Leo, who beams back at her. "You, however," Splinter continues. "Are familiar with the world above. As your father may have told you, part of the reason for letting them go to the surface was to protect the citizens of New York against criminals." Lily nods. "However, due to their appearance, they were only allowed out under the cover of night. To further conceal their appearance they were each given a coloured mask to wear." Lily's eyes widen as Splinter starts to drag something from behind his back. "Now that you are fifteen years of age, I believe it is time you had this..."

He reveals a pale blue mask, similar to Leo's. She quivers with excitement as she holds the fabric in her hands, unable to believe what she's seeing. Splinter looks up at Leo, who nods proudly as does Splinter.

Lily turns to face you and Leo, before getting up and turning to you. "Could you put it on for me, please?"

You smile and tie the fabric around Lily's face. She turns to face you and Leo, with a big smile on her face. Out of the corner of your eye, you swear that Leo seems to be tearing up. You just gently pat him on the shoulder to comfort him.

Lily returns to Splinter and sits down.

"Thank you, Grandpa Splinter!"

Taya and Skye silently walk into the dojo where master splinter sits, reading old scrolls.

You and Raph follow them in, standing aside so as to not interfere with what's about to happen. They stand before Splinter, who looks up and carefully puts down the scroll. "Good morning, Grandpa Splinter." They say together.

"Good morning girls." He replies. "And happy birthday."

"Thank you." They reply in unison, again.

"Sit." Splinter says, gesturing to the ground. The twins do as they're told, and sit with their legs crossed like preschool kids. "Do you recall your father telling you both about his own fifteenth birthday?" The twins shake their heads and then look to you and Raph, who rolls his eyes.

"I'm not that old, am I?" He whispers to you. You just giggle, noting his joke.

"When your father turned fifteen, him and his brothers were allowed to visit the surface." Splinter says.

"To fight evil villains?" Taya asks.

"And save New York?" Skye adds.

Splinter chuckles. "Yes, but due to their... Unusual appearances were only granted to do so under the cover of night." He pauses for a moment. "Also helped, by these." He pulls out two masks from behind his back similar to Raph's; one a hot magenta pink, the other a deep Crimson red. He hands the pink one to Skye and the red one to Taya.

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