Talking about your parents - Leonardo

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You and Leo are in the lounge room, watching Lily play with Splinter. She climbs all over him and they giggle together. Watching them play made you think about your parents. You haven't seen or even spoken to them since you unexpectedly moved out. Since then so much has happened in your life: you've gotten married, had children, had their first birthdays... Sooner or later they need to meet their grandkids.

"Leo," you say. Leo looks at you. "Are we ever going to introduce Lily to my parents?"

Leo pauses for a moment before bursting out laughing. "You can't be serious?" You give him a sheepish look.

"I am serious, Leo."

He straightens his back. "You've been gone for nearly 2 years. What are they going to think when you show up at their doorstep with a baby and I mutant reptile husband?"

"They're going to want to meet their granddaughter and their son-in-law." You reply.

Leo rolls his eyes. "I don't know, Y/n..."

"What's the worst they can do? Kick me out?"

Leo opens his mouth to speak but then closes it again. "Point taken." He says. "But I have a bad feeling about it..."

"You're probably worrying over nothing." You reassure him. He doesn't look so convinced. "They're my parents, Leo. They love me, and they have a right to see their granddaughter. If they don't want her in their lives, then they won't have her in their lives. It's as simple as that."

Leo rolls his eyes. "Fine." He says. "We'll visit them first thing tomorrow morning."

"I'll give them a call now." You reply, getting your phone out of your pocket and ringing your parents. "Mom? Hey! It's Y/n! I know it's been a while-- I've just been..." You clear your throat. "Listen, do you mind if I pop around tomorrow morning? I have a surprise for you and dad ...well two actually." You smile at Leo and Lily, who is still playing with Splinter. "Great! I'll see you then!" You hang up the phone and let out a deep sigh. "They're expecting us at nine." Leo nods.

You walk towards Lily and crouch down to her size. "Pack your coat, Lil, we're visiting Grandma and Grandpa."

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