Alone Time (NYE Special) - Raphael

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Suggested by: Leofangirl2000

Raph cradled Skye while you cradled Taya, taking the sleepy twins to their beds. Raph gently lay down Skye and tucked her in, whilst you did the same.

Raph stood back and placed a protective arm around your shoulder. He inhaled deeply. "Let's just take a moment..."

"To what? Smell the sewer air?" You reply, joking.

Raph gives you a sheepish look. "Just look at them, Y/n. They're so beautiful."

You agreed. "It's a shame they've got to grow up."

"I'll tell you one thing, when they're teenagers I'm not letting one filthy boy lay a finger on either of them." Raph growled.

You placed a hand on his plastron. "You'll give yourself a nosebleed." You gestured outside. "It's way past midnight."

Raph rolled his eyes and followed you into your room. You had a quick shower, before walking back out into the bedroom wearing nothing but a towel. Raph did a wolf whistle. "Looking hot babe."

You rolled your eyes. You're about to take off the towel to put on your pyjamas, when you notice Raph still staring. "Uh, excuse me." You say. "A little privacy, please?"

"There's no one else here." Raph replies smugly.

"I meant you, you big brute." You giggle. Raph rolls his eyes and walks up behind you.

"I'm your husband. Aren't I allowed to admire some of the finer things in life?" He holds you tightly and rests his head on your shoulder.

"Not while I'm in the middle of getting dressed." You reply. "I'm not your personal stripper." Raph rolls his eyes and turns around.

You make one quick change into your red silky gown. Raph turns around. "Crimson's your color." He replies.

You strike a small pose. "You think?"

Raph nods as he starts to walk towards you. "Now can I spend some time with my wife?"

Jokingly, you roll your eyes. "I guess so..." A smile spreads across your face as Raph realises you're kidding.

He bends down to your height, and pecks you on the lips. You smile before wrapping your arms around his neck and jumping up so your legs can wrap around his waist. Your lips meet violently, as the two of you fight for dominance. Raph wins - obviously - as he gently pushes you down on the bed.

He straddles your waist as he moves to your neck, tracing down to your collarbone. He's about to move to your breast when you stop him. "We don't want to wake the whole city."

Raph grunts and rolls his eyes. "Don't ever tell them I said this," he says. "But sometimes I wish we didn't have the twins."

You giggle and hit him on the shoulder.

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