Turtle Notes #18

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Hey darling Turtleluvers!

It has been AAAAAGES since I did a Turtle Notes, so I thought it was time we caught up and all that, ya know?

For any of my fellow USA homies, HAPPY 4TH OF JULY! I hope you're all having an awesome weekend, and for everyone else I hope you're all having a wicked day too!

So, we need to talk about that last chapter. I know that I mentioned in a previous chapter that I would be introducing two new villains by the names of Banshee and Excalibur, but the thing I found most interesting was that nobody guessed it would be Akiko and Blade! I will say though some of you made some really creative guesses, so props to you for that!

Honestly, I thought someone would have picked it up. I thought the Excalibur part was pretty obvious. Okay, I'm going to play Sherlock now:

- Akiko and Blade are Karai's kids and Shredder's grandchildren, and eventually Shredder will die and he needs someone to take over
- Two new enemies, and there's TWO of them
- they're related to Shredder and Karai so it's almost inevitable that they'd turn rogue
- Excalibur was a legendary sword. BLADE is part of a sword. Blade and Excalibur???? You getting me?

In other news, what do you think is going to happen with the Dawn/GoGo situation? Who do you think Matt will choose, if he even does choose? Comment if you're #TeamGoGo or #TeamDawn

Also, thank you so much to everyone who left all the beautiful comments on my chapter with my drawing. You're all so sweet!

That's all for now!
Ta ta!
- Perri xx

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