Blades of fury

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Lily's POV:
It's lunchtime at school, and I'm sitting with my cousins. We're inseparable. We barely stray from eachother's company.

Matt strokes his jaw. "I think I ate too much candy..." He says.

"That'll teach you for eating your weight in treats." Taya replies, unsympathetically.

I giggle and take a bite of my sandwhich. Jordan pokes at his with a fork - something you don't need to eat a sandwhich. "You alright, Jordan?" I ask.

He looks up, slightly startled. "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine."

Skye catches on. "You do realise you don't need a fork to eat a sandwich, right?" She says.

He looks at it light it's some foreign device, before throwing it in the bin. "Something wrong, dude?" Matt asks.

Jordan sighs and then looks up. "Yeah, it's just that... I'm worried about something." We all lean in. "You know that girl in our class, Akiko?"

"The one with Blade as a twin brother?" I interrupt.

"Yeah, her." He replies. "Well, you know how I don't exactly look like a full human? Well, before we started school, I met her at the park. And I may or may not have shown her my shell..."

We all gasp. "Jordan you idiot!" Skye hisses, hitting him over the head.

"Why?" I say.

"I don't know..." Jordan shrugs shamefully. "But I'm worried she's told other people."

"Go talk to her, dude." Matt replies.

Jordan sighs and then stands up. "I'll be back." He says, walking off to assumably find Akiko and talk to her.

"How could he be so stupid?" Skye hisses.

"Woah, calm down there hot head." I reply. "The guy's only human."

"At least most of him is." Matt adds.

I look over at Jordan who is now sitting with Akiko and Blade. My eyes drift from Jordan and eventually settle on Blade. He seems interesting... Kind of shy, quiet, very reserved. His eyes just mesmerise me, they're so unusual yet I can't take my eyes off them.

Eventually Akiko and Jordan stand up and walk off together, leaving Blade on his own. Unintentionally, I get up and start walking towards Blade, ignoring everyone asking where I was going.

I sit down next to him. "Need a friend?"

He looks at me, his floppy silver hair in his eyes. "I don't have friends." He replies in a brutal tone. Okay, so he's a loner.

"Well, you look lonely." I say. He looks at me again, before sitting up and shaking the hair out of his eyes.

"Okay. Have it your way." He says. "I'm Blade."

"Lily. Lily Hamato." I reply. Suddenly his eyes flicker, almost as if an electric shock had gone straight though him. "You okay?"

"Never better." He says. "So, those kids you sit with, they're your cousins?"

"Yep." I reply. "We're pretty much inseparable."

"I'm like that with my sister." He replies. "Akiko and I do everything together." I nod.

"So, you two are twins, right?"

"Not identical, but yeah."

"My cousins Taya and Skye are twins."

Blade looks over at the almost identical red-heads. "How can you tell them apart?" He asks.

"Skye has a birthmark on her neck, and Taya has a brown tinge to her eyes."

Blade nods. "Cool."

We maintain small talk until the bell rings. "We'd better get back to class." He says, packing up his things.

Blade's POV:

She's interesting. She seems nice, and it was really kind of her to come and sit with me after her weirdo of a cousin borrowed Akiko.

But, she's a Hamato. Mom told Akiko and I that Hamato's can't be trusted. She won't tell us why, but as far as we know, one of them killed our Grandmother when Mom was a baby, and another one did something to her before she ran away to Japan - where we were born. But, Lily seems different. She had the heart to show me compassion.

I may not be a smart guy, but I know what kindness is. I swear, Lily isn't what Mom thinks she is. Maybe what happened between the Hamato's and Mom has changed? I like Lily. She a nice girl. She'd make a good friend.

Suddenly, I remember Master Shredder's warning:

The Hamato's are dangerous. They have the power to destroy anything they touch. They destroyed everything I loved most, and if you aren't careful, they'll do the same to you.

I know he's planning something against them, but he won't tell me what it is. Then again, I'm only a 7 year old boy, what would I know?

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