Talking about the baby (or lack thereof) - Michaelangelo

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It's been a few weeks since you found out that you weren't pregnant. You're still really depressed, and nothing Mikey says or does is making you feel any better.

"You want some Pizza?" Mikey asks.

"I'm good." You reply.

"How about some ice-cream?"

"No thanks, Mikey."

"Or how about..." Mikey digs around in the freezer. "Ice-cream pizza?"

You turn around and look at him. "Mikey, I appreciate the good intentions." You say. "But I'm just not up to it right now."

Mikey nods. He puts the ice-cream and the frozen pizza back in the freezer and joins you on the living room carpet. "What's up, dudette?" He asks, looking you in the eyes. "Is this about the pregnancy test?" You nod. It still hurt when you thought about it. "You can't let stuff like that get you down."

"It's a lot easier said, than done." You reply. "You have no idea how it felt, knowing that everyone else is getting the one thing you really wanted." Mikey looks a bit hurt.

"I'm just a turtle," Mikey begins. "But trust me, I know how it feels knowing everyone else is getting the one thing I really wanted." You look at him seriously. He sighs. "When we were kids, and when Master Splinter was giving us our weapons, I was the last to receive mine. There was about a 6 month or so gap between when Donnie, Leo and Raph got their weapons, and when I got mine."

"How come?" You ask.

"Splinter didn't think that I was ready. He thought I was too immature, too young. He worried I would end up seriously injuring myself." You nod, and give him a sad look. "So when they got their weapons and I didn't get mine, I felt unappreciated. All my brothers get to learn Ninjitsu and I'm here stuck on the sidelines until I mature." You give him a hug. "I know it's not the same as finding out you're not pregnant... But it's the next best thing."

"I'm just worried that there's something wrong with me. I'm worried I'll never be able to have children." You reply quietly.

Mikey looks at you. "There's nothing wrong with you." He says. "The test could have been wrong."

You grab an empty box. "It says here... Ninety-five percent accurate."

"But there's a five percent chance it was wrong." Mikey replies. "I've never been good at maths, but there's a slight chance it could have been inaccurate."

You look at your stomach. "But the other girls are staring to show. If I was pregnant, wouldn't I be too?"

Mikey looks at you. "Stand up." He says. You do as your told and stand. "Now lift up your shirt." You lift it slightly. "When was the last time you ate?"

"I had some cereal this morning." You reply.

"Okay." He replies. "One moment." He runs and gets D/W. "Stand next to each other."

You do, and he compares you. "Girls," he says. "Please don't take this the wrong way, but you're stomachs look similar."

You look down at your stomach and notice it looks slightly bigger than usual. "So? I might be lactose intolerant."

"There's a few spare tests." D/W says, pointing to the plastic bag on the couch.

Mikey looks at you, indicating for you to use one. You just roll your eyes, grab one and head off to the bathroom. You wait a few minutes before getting the result. Mikey is waiting nervously in the living room when he hears a loud scream. He rushes to the bathroom and nearly breaks the door down. "Y/n? Are you okay?!" He asks in a panic.

"It's positive!" You scream. "IT SAYS POSITIVE!" You show him the test. "There isn't anything wrong with me after all! I'm going to have a baby!"

Mikey hugs you out of pure joy. "We are going to have a baby!" He screams as well.

"I'm so happy!" You reply letting go of him.

He smiles and heads back out to the lounge room to let everyone know the news. You stay in the bathroom to calm yourself down. Suddenly, you realise something.

Mikey was right about something?

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