NYE - Leonardo

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It's New Years Eve, and you, Lily, Leo and the rest of the Hamato fam (plus April and Casey and baby Blake) are spending the night in Time Square. Leo is wearing his disguise, you're wearing a long sleeved blue shirt with jeans and a blue coat, Lily's wearing black leggings with a navy blue and white stripy shirt and a coat.

All three of you stand in the middle of Times Square, waiting for the ball to drop. Lily is sitting on Leo's shoulders - no matter how old she is, she will beg to sit on his shoulders - while you stand beside them, holding Leo's hand. As the clock approaches 60 seconds, Lily looks down at Leo.

"What's your New Year's resolution, dad?" She asks.

"To spend more time with my beautiful family." He replies, looking at you. You smile back.

"What about you, mom?" Lily asks.

"To get out of bed before ten o'clock every morning so April doesn't have to walk you to school." You reply, winking at Leo.

Leo looks up at Lily. "How about you, Lily?"

She ponders for a moment. "To make sure next year is as good as this one!"

The clock approaches 10 seconds. "This is it!" Leo says.

Ten... Nine... Eight... Seven... Six...

Leo leans closer to you.

Five... Four... Three... Two... One...

Your lips connect, as the whole of New York cheers.


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