Alone Time (NYE Special) - Donatello

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Suggested by Leofangirl2000

Jordan clutches his binoculars tightly. "The view was awesome, mom!" He says excitedly. "I could see every fragment of the ball!"

"I'm glad you like your binoculars, honey." You replied, running a hand through his hair.

"How many people do you think were there, dad?" Jordan asks, looking at Donnie.

"I don't know, champ." Donnie replies, clueless. "It was a lot, I know that much."

Jordan yawns as you all start crawling down the sewer ladder. "Someone's tired." You say.

"I'm not..." Jordan yawns again. "...tired."

You wander through the sewers until you make it to the lair. At this point, Jordan could barely keep his eyes open. Donnie guided him to his bed, while you went into yours and Donnie's room to get dressed.

Donnie walked in when you're half dressed, wearing only your Pyjama pants and violet bra. You shriek and cover your chest. Donnie jumps at your surprise. "God, Y/n, don't scare me like that!"

"Don't walk in on me when I'm getting ready!" You sass back.

Donnie giggles as he hands you your shirt. You take it off him, not once breaking eye contact. He sits on the bed while you put on your shirt.

"Purple suits you, you know." Donnie says. You turn around and roll your eyes. "No, I'm serious. You should wear it more often."

You walk up to the bed and caress his cheek. "Well, Gok Wan, why don't you take another look?"

Donnie's eyes widen as he understands what you're saying. His face inches closer to yours, before your lips finally touch. You wrap your arms around his neck as he pulls you into his lap.

He slips off your shirt and admires your bra for a few seconds before moving to your jawline. He starts to make his way down to your chest when you stop him. "You don't want to wake Jordan up, do you?"

Donnie rolled his eyes and rolled over onto the bed. "It was fun while it lasted."

You put your shirt back on and kissed him on the cheek. "Goodnight Donnie."

"Goodnight Y/n."

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