Party Time - Part 3

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Warning: Strong Language!
Lily's POV:
Run, run, run.

That's all I can think about as I run down the street, hot tears streaming down my face. I don't know where I'm going, but any place is better than that party.

I stop at a nearby tree to catch my breath. Voices of people calling my name ring in my ear, and in the midst of it all, I curl up into a little ball and cry my eyes out.

As I try to calm myself down, I keep flashing back to that terrible moment. When my whole world came crashing down around me and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

I stand there, completely paralysed. There's nothing I can do, but stand there utterly stunned.

I can feel my heartbeat in my ears, my eyesight wavers, my stomach has swapped places with my liver; and it was all from the realisation that my whole world was crumbling around me.

Only moments before, about 9 or 10 feet away, Scarlett Christie had been casually talking to Blade Oroku - my boyfriend. This was upsetting enough knowing that Blade had been ignoring me all night, and to see him talking to the drunken hot mess of a slut Scarlett Christie really pissed me off. Things escalated to a point I couldn't comprehend however, when I turned my back for a brief moment. When I turned back around, all hell broke loose.

Scarlett 'slutbag' Christie had shoved her slimy tongue down my boyfriends throat, right in front of my eyes. To make matters worse, Blade seemed to be enjoying it.

With one hand firmly clutching his shirt and pulling him closer, and the other clutching a drink, she made action with her lips. He had one arm tucked firmly around her waist, while the other one clutched his own drink.

That's when I ran, not wanting to be anywhere near either of them.
*Flashback over*

I jump when I feel someone's hand on my shoulder. "Lily..." They say. I look up and see Taya, smiling a sympathetic smile. She offers me a hand up and hugs me tightly. "I saw what happened." She says.

I start to sob into her shoulder, very much emotionally unstable. She brushes the hair out of my eyes and fixes me up, all the while smiling in a way that made me feel slightly better.

"Don't you worry about him." She says, gently gripping my shoulders. "He's a loser and a cheater and he is not worth your precious time." I sniffle and nod. She takes my hand. "Come on, let's go back inside." I nod.

As we re-enter the house, I feel like everyone is starring at me. I swear I even heard one person say: did she get raped or something?

We walk into the room I was in before I ran out of the house. I keep my head down, not wanting Blade to notice me. Quite frankly, I don't even want to see him.

We're eventually joined by Skye and Jordan, who both look very sympathetic. Skye gives me a hug, but I can smell a bit of alcohol on her breath. At this point I don't even care if she's been drinking, I'm too upset to care.

"Everything will be okay, honey." She says.

I nod, and Jordan smiles at me. Suddenly his face turns pale and his eyes widen. Taya, Skye and myself all turn around to see Blade being confronted by the big man himself - Tommy Rice.

Scarlett stands in the corner, smiling while nibbling on the edge of her cup. She is so drunk she should be passed out!

I watch, partly in horror and partly in glee, as Tommy approaches Blade. Either he witnessed what happened, or someone told him. Either way, this isn't going to end well.

He acts very intimidating, walking up to Blade as guys do when they're trying to be intimidating. "Did you kiss my girl?" He booms, motioning to Scarlett.

"Your girl?" Blade echoes.

"Yeah, my girl!" He replies.

"N-no..." Blade whimpers, slightly scared.

"Bullshit!" He shouts, making a swing for Blades head, but he swiftly dodges it. Moments later everyone crowds around, chanting: Fight fight fight!

Skye, Taya, Jordan and I all stand back, and I take another sip of my drink, hoping it will calm me down. It doesn't. I freak out even more, terrified about what's going to happen. "I want to get out of here!" I shout.

Jordan looks around. "Where's Matt?"

I spy him over by the standing lamp, wearing the fabric but that goes over the actual light on his head. He's holding a small handful of what look like jelly babies, but somehow I'm not so sure. Skye races over and grabs his arm, dragging him towards us. "Quick, let's go!" Taya says, pointing towards the door.

Before we can make it outside however, there's a blaring siren and red and blue flashing lights shine through the curtains.

"It's the cops!" Someone shouts, and suddenly everyone panics, not knowing where to go.

Jordan points to the back door. "There!"

We all make a mad dash for the exit, and escape by jumping fences into the dark alleyways and back home to the sewers.

As we stagger through the sewers, trying to find the lair, I suddenly burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" Taya asks.

"I got cheated on, witnessed a fight and escaped from the police." I reply, giggling even louder. Everyone exchanges confused glances but after a while they all join in too.

As we sneak silently back into the lair, I reflect on all that's happened tonight, and then it hits me.

What happens to Blade and I now?

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