First day of school - Michaelangelo

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You and Mikey are woken by Matt jumping on the bed. "FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!" He shouts.

Mikey grunts and rolls over. You just roll your eyes and sit up. "Let's get ready then." You sigh.

Matt jumps off the bed and runs into his own room to get ready. Mikey sleepily sits up. "What time is it?" He groans.

"Too early." You reply, reluctantly getting out of bed.

About 45 minutes later, Mikey is up and both you and Matt are ready for school. He drags you out the door just as you gently kiss Mikey on the cheek.

On the way to school you feel an icy breeze make its way through the streets, giving you chills. You felt like you were being watched or followed, yet every time you turned around, no one was there.

When you arrive at school, Matt sees Jordan, who comes bounding over. Matt hugs you goodbye as he walks into school seeing his three other cousins.

D/W joins you. "It's all downhill from here." She says.

You sigh. "I know. They're all so grown up."

"Just wait till high school." She giggles.

You two start walking back, but D/W looks a bit uneasy. She keeps looking behind her. "You okay?" You ask.

"Yeah," she replies, holding her arms close to her chest. "I just thought I saw someone..."

You suddenly feel someone's stare on you, and turn around. "There's no one there." You say, as calmly as possible.

D/W nods, as you start to feel like you're being watched. You both hurry quickly to the nearest manhole, and down to the safety of the sewers below.

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