The awakening

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Splinter's POV:
Everything is black. I can't hear anything. The last thing I remember was my battle with Oroku Saki, and then everything stopped.

Suddenly, I hear a silky voice echoing through the void. "Yoshi..." It's so familiar and so transcendent. Suddenly a figure fades into view; a womanly figure. "Yoshi..." It says again. The figure outstretches a hand and I suddenly know who it is.

Tang Shen?

Leo's POV:
All four of us crowd around Splinter's motionless body. We've all lost track of how long it's been since the attack, but it feels like centuries since we saw him smile or even laugh.

We just sit there. All in a horizontal line as if he were standing before us after a training session. It's dead silent. No one says anything, except for Mikey's occasional sniffle.

I see a tear roll down Raph's cheek, and I put my arm around him for comfort. Despite how much he can get on my nerves, he's still my brother; and in a time like this especially, we need to be there for each other.

"Please wake up sensei." Mikey whimpers. "We need you."

Splinter's POV:
As I reach for Tang Shen's hand, her beautiful face comes into view, as youthful as it was the day I lost her. She smiles. "You've changed since I saw you." She giggles.

A happy tear rolls down my cheek. "You have not. You are still as beautiful as you were..." I can't bring myself to say it. " you were the day you were killed."

Her thumb wipes away my tear. "I'm here now, Yoshi." She says. "And I promise, I'll never leave again."

I suddenly hear a faint baby crying in the background. "Miwa?" I echo.

Tang Shen turns around, and picks up a beautiful baby. My daughter. Miwa. She's wrapped in a bundle of silky yellow sheets. "Would you like to hold her?" Shen asks. I nod and she hands me my beautiful baby. As I hold my daughter close, her eyes open, revealing the beautiful gold colour just like her mother. I let another joyful tear escape my eye, but this time Shen does not wipe it away.

I look up to see Shen's once happy, beautiful face now filled with sadness and misery. "What is it, my love?" I ask.

She takes Miwa from me. "It's time, Yoshi."

"Time for what?" I reply.

"Time for you to choose." I give her a puzzled look. She sighs. "You can choose to come with us, or stay with your sons."

I think for a moment. "What happens if I choose you?" I ask.

"You stay with us forever." She replies. "Or, continue living with your four sons."

"So if I choose you, I die?" I ask.

She nods. "It's your choice, Yoshi."

Raph's POV:
Leo's protective arm holds strong around me. None of us know what's happening to Splinter - whether he's dead or alive.

I suddenly feel Leo's arm shift from my shoulder to my hand. I follow his lead, holding Donnie's hand, and Donnie hold's Mikey's hand.

"Whatever happens," Leo says. "I just want you guys to know, you're the best brothers I could ask for."

Mikey sniffles again as a tear rolls down his cheek. "I love you guys..." He says between sobs. We all huddle together.

Although I'll never admit it out loud, I love these guys too. Despite how much they annoy me, how much they tease me, how much they make me want to punch a hole in the wall, I still love them.

I wouldn't be able to live without them.

Splinter's POV:
One of my greatest nightmares come true. I am forced to choose between everlasting life with my deceased wife, or to continue living with Leonardo, Donatello, Michaelangelo and Raphael, their wives and my grandchildren.

"The time has come to choose, Yoshi." Shen says, taking a step back. "Choose if you live, or if you die."

I consider both my options. If I choose Shen, then I leave my sons and New York forever. If I choose my sons, then I will never see Tang Shen again.

I sigh deeply, walking towards Tang Shen. I take both her hands. "It has been years since I saw you, and you look as beautiful as you did the day I lost you." I bring a thumb up to her cheek and stroke it, feeling my heart tear in two. "I haven't stopped thinking about you ever since you died, and seeing you here has made me realise something." I take a step back. "We will meet again, my love. Just not in this life. I love you, very much and I always will." I take another step back. "Goodbye, Tang Shen."

Tears develop in my eyes as I start to walk away from my deceased wife. I know I will see her again, just not for a very long time.

As the blackness starts to fade away, I feel my eyes open, with the first thing I see being four green faces in multicoloured masks.


Leo's POV:
We're now all huddled together, crying over Splinter's body. If anything, Splinter's condition has brought us closer together as brothers.

Suddenly, I see Splinter's eyeliners flutter. I watch closely as his eyes slowly open, and looks around the room.

"Sensei?" I ask.

Raph, Donnie and Mikey stop crying and wipe away their tears, also noticing Splinter's awakening. "Splinter!" Raph says.

He slowly sits himself up, as we huddle into him for a warm embrace. "We thought you were gone!" Donnie says.

"My sons." Splinter says, wrapping his arms around us.

"Splinter!" I suddenly hear six voices say, running into the room, joining in on the hug.

Eventually we're joined by the girls, as well as April, Casey, Baby Blake and Fiona.

When we finally take a step back to let Splinter breathe, I notice a tear roll down his cheek. "What is it, master?" I ask.

"While I was comatose," he says. "I saw her one last time."

"Who?" Donnie asks.

"Tang Shen." Splinter replies, sighing.

"Your dead wife?" Casey echoes, his comment followed by a sharp jab in the ribs by April.

"She offered me a choice. Die and stay with her forever, or continue living with you all." He replies. "So, I chose you." We all smile. "You are my family now. No matter how much I lost, I also gained a lot. Families stick together, no matter what."

Everyone aw's in unison as Splinter chuckles.

I smile at Raph, Donnie and Mikey who all smile back. Splinter's right, we are a family and families stick together.

God I'm glad he's back.

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