Turtle Notes #15

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Hey guys!

I haven't done a turtle notes in FOREVER! So, it's high time we all caught up.

How you guys doin? How's life?

I'm not going to lie, when writing the The Awakening chapter, I got very emotional when Splinter was saying goodbye to Tang Shen. I don't know why, but whenever a character dies that has a strong emotional attachment to another character or whenever two characters part emotionally, I always cry. Like, always. There hasn't been one Nicholas Sparks movie I have watched that I didn't cry in.

Anyway, we have a new Ship in the harbour my friends! #Laya is officially a thing! So now we have 3 (and a half) ships on our hands! #Joriko, #Bladely and now #Laya! Which ship do you like the most? Comment now!

Also, special shout out to ma gurl @BillCipher333 ! Go and read her books right now she is amazing!

That's all for now!


- Perri xoxo

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