Date night - Donatello

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"Where are we going?" You wonder our loud.

"You'll see, Princess." Donnie replies.

Donnie had insisted that the two of you go on a long delayed date, because things have become really busy over the last 9 years, since Jordan was born. Besides, who were you to turn down a romantic night out with your one true love?

Donnie told you he was taking you someplace special, but didn't say what. He blindfolded you, and got April to drive you to the 'secret location' (can't be too secret if April knows about it!).

Now he's leading you somewhere, but you're still blindfolded. All you know is that you're outside - you keep stepping on the last of the autumn leaves, you can hear a few birds here and there, and there's a slightly icy winter breeze.

Finally you reach your location. Donnie removes the blindfold. "Y/n, my princess..." He says as you open your eyes. "I welcome you to our new favourite date-place."

You're surprised to see a picnic table, romantically lit by candlelight. There's a small array of yours and Donnie's favourite foods, and a soft, slow music playing in the background. You gasp as you cover both hands over your mouth in awe. You turn to Donnie. "Oh my god!" You say, completely stunned. "This is... Oh my... Donnie!" You give him a tight hug. "It's amazing!"

"I'm glad you like it." He replies, a big smile spreading across his face.

"How did you do this?" You ask, still partially speechless.

"I Had a little help from Leo and Raph." He replies. "I didn't let Mikey come because I knew he'd accidentally set the table on fire."

You giggle as Donnie leads you towards the seat. He, always the gentleman, pulls out your chair and pushes it in when you sit.

The two of you enjoy a romantic candle lit dinner for the rest of the evening. It was a truly memorable night.

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