First day of school - Donatello

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Jordan races into the lab, bag packed and ready. "Let's go! Let's go!" He says, grabbing your hand. You just roll your eyes and walk out to the lounge room, where Donnie is reading the paper while drinking some coffee.

"Where are you off to?" He asks, knowing it's Jordan's first day.

"School!" Jordan replies excitedly. He tugs you towards the door. "Let's go! We'll be late!"

You roll your eyes and kiss Donnie on the cheek. "We'll be back soon."

When you arrive at school, you see M/W and Matt. You wave, and she waves back. "Can I go with Matt? Please?" Jordan says. You nod and he hugs you goodbye, then takes off towards his cousin, just as the bell goes. You join M/W at the gate.

"It's all downhill from here." You say.

M/W sighs. "I know. They're all so grown up."

"Just wait till high-school." You chuckle.

You start walking back, but you can feel someone's stare on you. You turn around, but no-one's there. "You okay?" M/W asks.

"Yeah," You reply, holding your arms close to your chest. "I just thought I saw someone..."

M/W turns around. "There's no one there." She says.

You nod, but you can't help but feel like you're being watched. Everytime you looked to see, there wasn't anyone there. This is strange...

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