Thank you so much! <3

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Dear readers,

I know that I acknowledge how amazing you are quite often, but I haven't actually taken the time to explain to you how actually amazing you really are. So, this is just a little thank you response, because I feel like I don't thank you guys enough for all that you do.

One day, I was messing around on Wattpad and I decided to search up Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles because I had just seen the trailer that was coming out for the 2014 movie. I came across an entire fandom I never even knew existed, purely created for the turtles we now know and love. I started reading a few of the stories that were posted, and found that I kind of got really into them and I actually found them interesting and intriguing. 

After a while, I got an idea. I thought, 'what if I wrote my own one of these?'. Originally it seemed absolutely crazy. I mean, who would read my stories? I'm just a girl who's finding her way around the internet and I'd never really written a proper book before. I mean, obviously I wrote short stories in school and stuff but nothing that I would actually publish for everyone to see. Anyway, one day I just said: 'Screw it, you only live once!' and decided to create a Wattpad account.

I remember feeling so excited when I posted my very first part of my very first story, which if any of you remember was: When you meet - Leonardo, from my TMNT Boyfriend Scenarios. As time progressed I found that my story was receiving a sizeable amount of reads, which got me very excited. I was receiving messages and comments from people telling me how much they loved my story, and it just made me feel so happy, like I'd accomplished something good.

It never really occurred to me how popular my stories really were, until one day I was scrolling through Wattpad and I saw on my profile that my Boyfriend Scenarios had gathered 10 THOUSAND reads. That literally blew my mind. It was things like seeing how many reads and all of the beautiful comments and messages I was receiving from people that kept me going in terms of writing my stories.

So, here I am. Sitting here, writing a message to all my darling readers who have kept me going from the very beginning, and who have been helping me realise that they are the reason why I wake up every morning feeling amazing.

You guys are literally my life. I love each and every one of you incredibly, and I can't express to you in words how happy I feel when I see you, the most amazing readers in the world, commenting, voting, following me, messaging me, all that good stuff. You all mean the world to me, and I just wanted to thank you all so much for getting me where I am today. Although it sounds cliche, but without you, I wouldn't be doing any of this. I wouldn't have written a sequel to my first book, I wouldn't be planning on writing the spin off I'm doing, I probably wouldn't have even reached 5 parts on my first story if it wasn't for you.

I would also like to take this time to express to you all how grateful I am, not just for the beautiful beautiful people you are, but for how lucky I am that no hate has ever come my way. Being a person born into the era I was, I have seen some incredibly ugly hate messages being sent to people. It breaks my heart to see that people find joy in sending disgusting messages to other people that they know will put them down. For me, none of that has ever happened, thankfully. It could happen so easily, yet I know that I am one of the luckiest girls on this earth, because I have never had that happen, because I am surrounded by such incredibly beautiful, amazing, loving, fantastic people such as yourselves. I love you all so much, more than you'll ever ever know.


Thank you. For everything.

Love always,

Perri xx

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