Broken hearts and promises - Part 1

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Blade's POV:
Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Why, Blade, why?! Why did you let yourself do such an idiotic thing?! You're so stupid, Blade! Leading your only friends straight to certain death? That'll win you the Nobel Peace Prize for sure! Especially in Lily's books...

I mentally bash my head against a brick wall. Lily hasn't said one word to me since what happened. Neither have any of her cousins for that matter. Well, duh! Of course they haven't! You lead them straight into a trap for certain death!

Akiko notices me beating myself up and comes to comfort me. "Don't hit too hard, or you'll fracture your skull." She says, resting a hand on my back.

"Maybe that's a good idea..." I mumble. Akiko gives me a sad look. "She hasn't spoken to me since it happened."

"Jordan hasn't talked to me either." She replies. I nod and sigh. "Well, you can hardly blame them." She adds, looking me in the eyes. "We lied to their faces, lead them straight into a trap and nearly got all five of them killed!"

I nod sadly. She has a point. Damn, I hate it when my sister's right. I turn my head to look at her. "What are we going to do, Kiki?"

Her eyes shoot daggers. "Okay, firstly: don't ever call me Kiki again, and secondly: you need to find a way to get Lily and apologise to her properly."

"That'll be a piece of cake." I reply sarcastically. She rolls her eyes.

"I never said it was going to be easy." She replies bluntly.

I nod. "What are you going to do about Jordan?"

She sighs. "I don't know. He's been ignoring me for ages now. He won't even smile at me when I see him on the playground."

I sigh. "That's harsh."

"It's fair enough." She replies. "I betrayed his trust, what do you expect?"

I'm about to reply when I hear a familiar voice across the courtyard. It's Lily. "Did you see the look on his face when Captain Ryan nearly knocked him out?" She giggles.

Oh my sweet, loveable, space-heroes obsessed, beautiful, Lily. If only you knew how much I missed you...

I take a deep breath and start to wander over. She's talking to Taya and Skye. Lily has her back to me, so Taya is the first one to notice me coming. She taps Lily on the shoulder and points to me. Lily rolls her eyes. "We'll catch you later, Lil." Skye says, walking off with Taya, leaving Lily and I alone.

"I have nothing to say to you, Blade." Lily says, starting to walk away.

I grab her arm. "Lily... Wait..." She turns around, her usually clear blue eyes now burn with anger. "Please."

She takes a short breath out. "Fine. What?"

Crap. I didn't think this far ahead. I didn't think she'd actually listen to me! Here goes nothing...

I take a deep breath. "I wanted to say sorry for what happened."

"Sorry for trying to kill me, or sorry your plan didn't work?" She hisses. Her venomous words sting me like a thousand bees.

"Sorry for everything: for lying to you, for leading you into a trap, for using you... Everything."

"Yeah, well, apology not accepted." She replies, starting to turn around.

I grab her arm. "Wait!"

"Let go of my arm, Blade." She replies. "I have nothing more to say to you."

"Just hear me out." I say sympathetically. She rolls her eyes and then finally faces me. I take a deep breath - this is it. I'm explaining everything to her. "I didn't have a choice--"

"Yeah, we're done here." She says, cutting me off, starting to walk away.

"If I didn't do it, he was going to hurt my sister and my mom!" I shout. Lily stops in her tracks and slowly turns around.


I swallow a lump in my throat. "My grandfather - Saki Oroku."

She gasps. She's heard of him. "Your grandfather is... The Shredder?"

I nod. "He told us if Akiko and I didn't bring you to the warehouse, he would hurt me, Akiko and my mom." Lily looks stunned. "Akiko and I were going to tell you to run at the last minute so you wouldn't get hurt... But we left it too late..."

"And we were captured..." Lily finishes. I nod.

"I would NEVER intentionally hurt you, Lily. When you and your cousins were captured, I was eating my insides." Lily takes a step closer. "Believe me, hurting you or any of your cousins is the last thing on my mind." She nods. "So, do you accept my apology?"

She holds up both hands. "Let me get this straight: you and Akiko were forced to lead us into a trap, otherwise your evil grandfather would hurt you, and you decided to tell us to run at the last minute, but your plans were foiled. But you never intentionally meant for us to be hurt? Is that it?"

I nod. "That's it." She takes a moment to comprehend everything I just told her.

"So you were willing to risk your own safety, to make sure that I didn't get hurt?"

"Yes." There's a bit of a pause. "Do you accept my apology?"

There's another pause, and I'm sure she's going to deny me again. I close my eyes and brace myself for the impact. Instead, however, I feel Lily gently kiss my cheek. I'm very surprised, and instantly my eyes open.

"My hero." She says. "Apology accepted."

She then skips off to join Taya and Skye, who just having witnessed what happened, have both their mouths hanging wide open.


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