Final Destination

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Splinter's POV:
I awake to see five familiar faces hovering over me. Instantly, I know who they are. L/W, R/W, D/W, M/W and April. "Sensei!" April squeals. "You're alive!"

"Barely." D/W says, holding a wet cloth to my head. "You took quite the hit, master."

I try to sit myself up, but a sharp pain in my side stops me. I groan in pain. "Careful!" L/W says. I look down to see a large bandage wrapped around my side.

"What happened?" I ask, lying back down again.

"That's what we want to know." April replies. "I got a call from the girls saying that something happened and I rushed down immediately."

A sudden flashback of what happened before I was knocked out hits me. I remember a struggle, foot soldiers infiltrating the lair, and... Miwa. I look around in desperation. "Where are my sons?!" I panic.

"They're not here." April replies calmly. She hands me a note. "This was next to you when we found you."

Shaking and full of worry, I carefully read the note. When I see who the message was sent from, I feel my blood start to boil. "Oroku Saki." I mumble.

"Shredder?" April echoes. "He's the one who has them?"

L/W gasps. "That metal covered, slippery, black hearted--"

"Let's take him down!" R/W growls, making two fists. "All blades blazing!"

"No," I say. "I am the one he wants. I should go."

"We can't just let you go after him on your own!" D/W replies. "He'll kill you!"

"Anything is necessary to save my sons." I reply. "It's either them, or me."

"They're important to us, too." M/W adds. "What if you fail, and there's no one there to save them? What'll happen then."

"A good ninja knows how to attack their opponent in the right moment." I reply. "Oroku Saki and I have had a long battle history. It is time to end it."

"We are not letting you go on your own." L/W says.

"We're a family, and families stick together." M/W adds.

I sigh. Granted, these girls are tough negotiators. "I want you all to stay in the shadows. If Shredder knows you are with me, we'll all be dead."

They nod. L/W turns to April. "April, pick the kids up from school and bring them here. Do not let anyone into the lair unless you know it is us or Casey."

April nods. "I can do that."

D/W and M/W help me up carefully. I clutch my side as R/W runs to get me a staff I can use to hold myself up. They help me hobble outside the lair and up to the world above, covered by night.

Once we start approaching the dock, I tell them I can manage on my own, and they hide in the shadows.

I can see Oroku Saki standing near the dock, his back to me. Leonardo, Raphael, Michaelangelo and Donatello are tied up and sedated, surrounded by Miwa, Tiger Claw, Bebop and Rocksteady.

Adrenaline pumps through my blood as I approach the beginning of the pier. "Oroku Saki!" I shout. He turns around and although the majority of his face is concealed by a mask, I can tell he has a sickening grin on his face.

"Hamato Yoshi," he chuckles. "How nice of you to join us."

"Let my sons go!" I reply.

"Of course." He says. "In exchange for your life."

I stand my ground and swallow a dry lump in my throat, almost unable to mutter those chilling words. "So be it."

Shredder's POV:
Like a traditional Mexican stand off, I glare Yoshi down. He's weak from his battle with the foot clan. He can barely stand on his own two legs. This is going to be good...

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