Meeting your parents - Michaelangelo

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You take a deep breath as you and Matt walk closer and closer to your parents door. Your stomach is in knots. You're suddenly regretting just leaving a voicemail when you were moving out - they must have been so worried.

You knock on the door, and take a step back, holding your breath. The door opens ever so slightly, and you feel yourself jump. "Who's there?"


"Y/n?" The door opens wider, revealing your mother. "It is you!" She says, pulling you into a tight hug. She lets you go. "Let me look at you!"

You wipe away a happy tear. "I wanted to introduce you to my son, Matt." Matt steps in front of you.


"Wassup Dawg?" Matt says, clearly mimicking Mikey. Your mother looks a bit taken back.

"Who's his father?" She asks.

"Oh, he couldn't make it." You reply. "May we come in?"

"Of course." She says, motioning for you and Matt to come inside. She pours you a cup of tea and gives Matt a juice box. "So, where have you been the past two years?"

"Around..." You reply nervously, taking a sip of tea. "Got married, had a kid..."

"Speaking of," she says. "Who's his father?"

You take a deep breath. "If I show you, do you promise not to freak out?" She nods. You bring up a photo of you two at your wedding. "His name is Michaelangelo. Mikey for short."

"W-why is his skin green? And why does he have that lump on his back?"

"About that..." You stutter. "He's not exactly your average person... He's kind of not really a person at all actually..." She looks confused. "I may or may not have married and reproduced with a mutant turtle..."

"WHAT?!" Your mother shrieks.

"You promised!" You say, pointing a finger at her. "Look," you say, resting your cup down. "All I came here to ask was if you wanted Matt to be in your life. If not, that's fine, we can just leave."

"He's... He's a turtle..." She whimpers.

"Mom! Focus!" You say. "Answer the question!"

"Y/n... I don't think this is a good time..."

You sigh. "Fine." You stand up. "If you can't accept my decisions and the people I love, then you're not worthy of my time." You grab Max's hand. "Let's go Matt." You leave the apartment, with your mom most probably hyperventilating behind you.

Some people just aren't worth bending over backwards for. In this instance, acceptance is the key to belonging; and if she can't accept Mikey for who he is, then she isn't worth the time and patience.

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