Friends never say goodbye

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Matt's POV:
I have no idea how long it's been since Tadashi passed away, but finally I feel like the world is returning to its former state.

Dawn has finally finished her grieving stage, and GoGo has returned to her old self again. Everyone is back the way they were, as if nothing had happened.

Except for me.

I keep having nightmares about Tadashi's corpse rising from the ashes and coming after me; saying that I was selfish for wanting to take Dawn away from him when I already had so much. I would wake up screaming with great drops of sweat rolling down my face.

My mom thinks I watch too much of the Walking Dead, but I'm almost positive it's a sign of some sort.


I swap over my books for fifth period. This day feels like it has droned on forever, and that's saying something.

As I slam my locker shut, I jump as I see GoGo leaning up against a group of lockers next to mine. "How do you always do that?" I ask.

"Talent." She replies, bursting a fuchsia pink bubble. I roll my eyes and start to walk off towards the cafeteria. She runs to catch up with me. "So, I have news."

"I think I'm being haunted by Tadashi's ghost." I suddenly say, cutting her off.

"Pardon?" She replies. "Did you say Tadashi's ghost?"

I nod. "I keep having nightmares where he appears and tells me I've been selfish."

She raises an eyebrow. "You need to stop eating pizza just before you go to bed."

I give her a sheepish look. "I'm serious. I think he's haunting me."

She rolls her eyes. "There is no such thing as ghosts, Matt." She replies.

I grit my teeth. Why doesn't she believe me? "Let's see how you talk when a ghost is haunting you then!" I reply.

She chuckles quietly before turning back to me. "Anyway, back to my news..."

"I mean, I'm not selfish!" I say, cutting her off again. "I can't help it if we have the same taste in girls!"

"That's great, but can we get back to me please..." Her tone of voice makes her sound annoyed.

"What would you do?" I ask, turning to her. "If you were being haunted by the ghost of a girl you were in competition with over a guy?"

"I'd tell her to piss off; she's dead." She replies. I laugh at her remark just as we enter the cafeteria. "Now can we please get back to me..."

"But the thing is," I say, cutting her off again. She folds her arms across her chest angrily. "I can't tell him to go away."

"That's great and all, but can we please get back to my news!?" She finally shouts.

"Matt! Over here!" I turn to see Dawn waving at me from a table near my cousins.

I give GoGo an apologetic look. "Tell me later?"

She rolls her eyes and nods. "After school, okay?"

I make my way towards Dawn, who has pulled out a chair for me. "Hey," I say.

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