#Joriko date! (Part 1)

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Jordan's POV:
My pulse is racing. My hands are sweating. My head is spinning. What's happening to me?

I'll tell you what's happening.

I'm going on my very first date with Akiko! I'm so excited yet nervous and I can hardly contain myself. Millions of thoughts race through my head at record speed - I think I might pass out.

I'm wearing a pair of jeans and my favourite black shirt. I'm pretty confused with myself until my cousins walk in. Matt does a wolf whistle. "Well, well, well." He says.

"Looking good!" Lily jokes.

"Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up." I reply sarcastically.

"Where are you going?" Taya asks.

I suddenly feel a bit of blush creep into my cheeks. "O-on a date..."

"With who?" Skye asks in disbelief.

"...Akiko." I reply after a short pause.

Everyone jumps in excitement. "I knew you liked her!" Skye says. "I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!"

I shush her. "Keep it down, will you?"

"Why?" Taya asks.

I shuffle my feet. They all look at me in shock and confusion. "You haven't told your parents, have you?" Lily says bluntly.

I shake my head. "No."

"Jordan..." Lily begins, about to start one of her big long lectures.

"I know, I know." I reply. "But, what am I going to say to them? Hey mom, hey dad, I'm on my way to a date with a girl who nearly killed me! See you at ten!"

"Okay, Okay." Lily said. "I see your point. But you can't just sneak off!"

At this point I'm so sick of everyone trying to dictate what I can and cannot do. All I want to do is spend a few hours with Akiko. ALONE.

"Watch me." I say as I walk out the door.

Akiko's POV:
I turn sideways, facing the mirror. "Does this dress make my hips look big?" I turn to my brother, who is sitting on the bed in complete boredom, playing on his video game console.

He groans. "How should I know? I'm not a fashion expert."

I plant both hands on my hips. "Blade, this is important."

"If you want real advice go talk to mom." He says.

I sigh. "I can't."

Blade looks up from his console. "What do you mean, you can't?" He suddenly takes the time to scan me up and down. "Where are you going?"

"Out..." I reply sheepishly.

"Out where?" Blade echoes, closing his console.

"J-just out." I say, trying not to give anything away.

"Akiko Chika Oroku," Blade says in a serious tone. "As your twin brother I demand you tell me where you are going."

I stand my ground, folding my arms across my chest and keeping my lips firmly closed. Blade and I stare each other out for a few moments before he gets up and starts walking towards the door, a smirk on his face.

"W-where are you going?" I ask, worried.

"If I can't get you to talk, then maybe mom will." He replies smugly.

Oh no he didn't...

"FINE!" I shout. "I'm going on a date with Jordan."

Blade stops in his tracks. "Jordan?" He echoed. "As in Jordan Hamato?" I nod. "As in the nerdy guy who wears glasses and goes crazy over physics?"

"Yes, Blade." I reply, trying to drown out Blade's pointless facts. "THAT Jordan."

Blade looks at me with a blank face for a moment, before laughing out loud. "You, going on a date with him?"

I fold my arms across my chest again; I am not impressed. "Well, I don't see your date anywhere." I taunt back.

Blade immediately stops laughing and sits back on his bed. "Have you told mom?"

I shake my head. "She'll just try to stop me."

"Maybe that's a good thing." Blade says. I give him a cold, icy glare. He takes a deep breath. "Kiki--"

"Don't call me that!" I interrupt.

"He's a direct relative to our grandfathers sworn enemy."

"Oh yeah?" I say, planting my hands on my hips. "Since when were you ever on Shredder's side?" Blade is speechless. "That's what I thought."

I storm out of our room without another word, being careful not to accidentally bump into mom or worse, Shredder.

Jordan's POV:
I'm waiting outside the cinema, looking around for Akiko. The movie starts in fifteen minutes and I'm worried that something has happened to her.

An icy winter chill blows through the air and I pull my jacket tighter to stay warm. Suddenly, a devastating thought crosses my mind - what if I've been stood up?

I'm starting to fear the worst, looking desperately for a glimpse of Akiko; a whisp of her hair, a flicker of her golden eyes, a soft breeze carrying her sweet voice.

Suddenly something catches my eye; something flickering in the moonlight. I turn my head to see Akiko, wearing a lightly sparkly black halter dress. I'm absolutely blown away! She looks beautiful!

Suddenly I feel this weird feeling at the pit of my stomach.

Is this what it feels like to be in love?

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