#Jessdan Date (Part 2)

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Jordan's POV:
I quiver with excitement as Jess and I enter the carnival grounds. So much was going on! The sights, the smells, the rides, the people!

"Where to first?" Jess asks, when we stop in the dead centre of the grounds.

I suddenly get an idea. "Close your eyes." I say.

She gives me a confused look. "Why?"

"I want you to close your eyes, stick out your arm, point your finger and spin." I reply. "Wherever you're pointing when you stop is where we go first!"

She smirks at me. "You're full of ideas, aren't you?"

I blush a little and push my glasses up the bridge of my nose. She closes her eyes and extends her arm. I gently spin her around five times, before she slows down to a complete halt. When she opens her eyes she's facing the Go Karts.

She claps her hands with excitement. "I haven't been on one of these since I was a kid!"

I chuckle. She's so cute. She doesn't see it, but she's so unbelievably cute.

She takes my hand. "You ready?"

I nod, blushing at the feeling of her hand intertwined with mine. The idea of skin-on-skin contact with her gives me the warm and fuzzies.

We waltz towards the rink, where we wait in line for about 7 minutes. Once we are allowed on, Jess races towards a purple car with the number 7 painted on it - coincidentally purple is my favourite colour.

She puts her helmet on her head and fastens it, while I do the same. "Prepare to lose, Jordan!" She says.

"In your dreams!" I reply.

As the lights count down from red to amber to green, I can't help but stare at Jess from the corner of my eye. Her hands are gripping the wheel so tightly, she's bitting her bottom lip, a look of determination in her eyes.

When the lights go green, she speeds off ahead of everyone else, taking the lead. My car slowly chugs along behind everyone else, leaving me in fifth place out of eight. She speeds around every corner, not once having anyone pass her. I don't say anything, but I am very impressed.
When the race is over, Jess is announced the winner. I came in 4th place, which I am rather pleased with, considering my efforts. She takes off her helmet and shakes her lilac hair around like Prince Charming from the opening scene of Shrek 2.

She smiles at me as I exit my car. "Don't say I didn't warn you..." She says, smirking.

I raise both hands. "Okay, I admit it. You're a great driver."

"Beaten by a boss." She replies, ruffling the back of her hair. She outstretches a hand. "Good race, partner."

I shake it, once again getting that warm and fuzzy feeling when our skin touches. Is that normal?

As we leave the rink, Jess suddenly grabs my hand again and drags me off towards another attraction. "I love these things!" She says. I look up to see a massive dark and run-down house, with a sign saying:
Monster Mansion - Enter if you dare...
She turns to me. "Please can we go in?"

I look inside the spooky attraction, and there isn't much to see. Despite the fact that I'm part mutant, as well as the fact I live with my giant rat of a grandfather and 7ft turtle of a dad and his brothers, I'm not usually one for scary things. They give me nosebleeds.

"Uh..." I mumble, not sure how to respond.

She flashes me a sympathetic look. "If you don't want to, that's okay." She says. "I don't want to be the one responsible for giving you a heart attack."

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