Worlds Greatest Uncle

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Suggested by @Coolvampire6675
Matt's POV:
I drag my feet walking home. I've never been more heartbroken in all my life. I feel like Dawn has ripped my heart out, torn it into millions of tiny pieces, stomped on it, set it on fire and then danced on its ashes.

As I enter the lair, I don't even look up to see who's around. I can hear Skye behind me, closing the door and making sure I don't accidentally walk into anything to further bruise my extremely damaged ego.

"How was the Burger Bar?" I hear my dad ask. I don't reply, I just drag myself towards me room.

"He had a rough day." I hear Skye reply sensitively.

I groan and collapse on my bed. I'm sick of girls. What is even the point of them? All they do is smash your heart into tiny pieces when you least need it.

I roll over onto my back and stare at the ceiling. Why did she choose Tadashi anyway? What does he have that I don't? Apart from a love for science and a good brain.

I suddenly hear a knock at the door. "Leave me alone to die." I groan.

"Your dad told me you had a rough day." I sit up to see my Uncle Donnie at the door. I nod. "You want to talk about it?"

"I don't think you'll get it, Uncle Donnie." I reply, clutching my pillow to my chest. He sits on my bed next to me.

"Try me." He replies. "Girl trouble?" My eyes widen and I turn to him, completely astonished. How did he know that? "I may be a turtle, but that doesn't mean I haven't had my fair share of heartbreak." He replies, noting my expression.

"She kissed another guy in front of me." I reply blankly. My heart begins to ache as I suddenly imagine the exact moment.

"Ouch." He replies. "So, who was this girl? Girlfriend? Ex-girlfriend?"

"Crush..." I reply, slightly embarrassed.

Donnie sighs and faces me. His head hangs down, as he stares at his knees and purses his lips together like he's going to regret saying whatever it is he's about to say. "Matt, I know it may seem unlikely," he begins, finally making eye contact with me. "But I was in the exact same position as you are once."

I don't say anything. I'm still trying to digest my uncle ever having a crush on someone and having his heart broken; he always seems so cool.

"I liked this girl once." He continues. "But the problem was, she was human. At the time, Humans and Mutant Ninja Turtles did not mix. Anyway, I used to think she was the most beautiful girl in the world and I tried desperately to have a shot with her."

"So, what happened?" I ask, intrigued.

"I confessed my feelings to her, after having one last attempt at winning her over. At the time I thought that she felt the same way, but I later found out I had competition." He purses his lips together, almost as if the memory was too painful. "Ultimately, she ended up choosing him over me; leaving me completely heartbroken."

I'm in shock. Uncle Donnie is one of the coolest guys I know; he makes so many awesome things! Heck, he made me a turbo powered skateboard for my birthday! Who would hurt him like that?

"I get how you feel." I reply, letting my head sink low. I face him straight on. "So, how did you get over it?"

"I met your Aunt D/W a couple of months later, and suddenly I forgot all about everything to do with that girl." He replies cheering up. "I mean, some stuff happened with that girl a bit later on but that's a different story."

I nod. "So, what your saying is...?"

"Forget about her. Find another girl who appreciates you and you like. You'll forget about her in no-time!" He replies.

I smile. "Thanks Uncle Donnie." I reply.

"Don't mention it." He says, standing up. He leaves my room and closes the door while I collapse on my bed, thinking about the advice Uncle Donnie just gave me.

I need to find a girl who appreciates me for who I am. I chuckle to myself. Good luck with that.

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