Like a Splinter in my finger

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Leo's POV:
I stand over Splinter's motionless body, feeling heartache spread all over me. It's been over a week since the fight with Shredder, and he hasn't moved since.

I kneel down and rest my head on his chest, to hear his little heart beating slowly. He's not dead, only in a coma. But I swear, when he wakes up I will personally kill Shredder myself.

I hear a quiet knock on the door. I turn around and see Lily, standing timidly behind the doorframe. I motion for her to come in.

"How is he?" She whispers.

"Not good." I reply. "Donnie says that he might not wake up for a month."

Lily's crystal blue eyes start to fill with tears. I hold her tight to comfort her. "Is he going to be alright, daddy?" She whimpers between sobs.

"I don't know, sweetheart." I reply gently. "I just don't know."

Raph's POV:
I kick the dummy as hard as I can, imagining Shredder's disillusioned face as I do so. "You monster," I grunt, kicking it again. "You will pay for what you did," I prepare for a really strong kick. "No one hurts Master Splinter!" This time I roundhouse kick it so hard, I knock it off its hook and it goes flying across the dojo.

Now that I've gotten all my anger out, there's nothing left but sadness. I sit in the corner of the dojo with my head in my hands, until I am interrupted by two small bodies holding me from either side. "Please don't cry, dad." Skye says.

I lift my head up. "I'm not crying," I reply, my voice sounding wobbly.

"We're all worried for Splinter." Taya says. "He's going to be fine."

I turn to them both. "Splinter risked his life to save us. I know he's only in a coma, but when he wakes up... I'm going to give that Shredder a talking to."

"Only use violence if there is no other way." R/W says, walking in accompanied by D/W. "Isn't that what Splinter taught you?"

My heart overflows with emotion at the remembrance of that quote. "Yes."

Donnie's POV:
I stand in my lab, pondering over what I can do for Splinter; if I can do anything to bring him out of his comatose state.

I rack my brains for an idea. A broth, a potion, something! But nothing comes to mind. Instead, I sit on my spinning chair with my head in my hands and all of a sudden, my mind is clouded by terrifying thoughts.

What if he dies?

What if Shredder comes back to finish the job?

What if Shredder comes after your family?

I shake the fog from my head as I hear a knock at the door. Jordan pops his head out from behind the door.

"May I come in?" He asks, timidly. I nod. "How's the antidote going?"

"It's not." I reply. "It's too risky to create. Too much or too little of one ingredient could mean that I could accidentally kill him!"

Jordan gives me a sad smile. "He's going to be okay though, right?"

I shake my head. "I don't know."

Mikey's POV:
I cower in the corner of my room, while M/W, Matt and Fiona stand by the door watching helplessly. M/W lets Fiona on the floor and she crawls over towards me. "Dada!" She coos.

I turn around and smile at my beautiful daughter. She tries to crawl onto my lap, but I pick her up and cradle her instead. Seeing her smile and laugh makes me feel happy, but not happy enough to fill the worry and sadness inside.

"He'll get better, dad." Matt says encouragingly. "He always does." I just hum quietly. "He's Master Splinter. He's survived this long, why would he stop now?" I don't say anything.

"He's a strong man, Mikey." M/W replies. "He's been through much worse than this. He'll pull through."

"What if he doesn't?" I finally say, turning around still holding Fiona. "What if Shredder did something to him and he never gets better?"

"He will get better." She replies.

"How can you be so sure?" I ask.

Her face softens. "Because I know."

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