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I stand directly in front of Lily. Her head is hung low, so I can't see her face. "I expected better from you, Lily." I say sternly. "You are the eldest of your cousins. You need to lead by example." She stays silent. "What on earth were you doing out there with that kid?!"

"His name is Blade..." She whimpers quietly.

"Well, what on earth were you and Blade doing out there?"

"I don't think I need to explain myself any further, dad." She says, finally lifting her head. Her eyes are red-rimmed from crying and her face is tear-stained. "You saw what we were doing."

I take a deep breath. "You want to be clever? Fine." I pause for effect. "You're grounded for a month."

"What?" She says. "A whole month?"

"You need to take responsibility for your actions." I reply calmly.


"It's not up for negotiation, Lily." I say. I hear her mutter something under her breath. "Watch what you say, young lady!" I say as she walks off. "Or I'll make it two months!"

"I'm very disappointed in you two." I growl, as Taya and Skye sit on their beds. "Especially you, Skye."

"B-but..." She stutters.

"You were the one who snuck out. Be thankful that Taya came and got you before anything bad happened." I see Skye shoot Taya an icy glare as Taya's head sinks into her shoulders.

"So as punishment..." A foul stench suddenly fills my nostrils. "Eurgh! What is that smell?" I look at the stain on Taya's shirt, and take a quick whiff in that direction. "Oh my god! What the shell... Is that alcohol???" Skye takes a sniff of the shirt and makes a gagging sound.

"Uh... Oops?"

"I hope for your sake you weren't drinking at that party!!!" I snarl. "You're both grounded."

"What?" They say in unison.

"But dad, I went to bring her back! Why am I in trouble?" Taya asks.

"You still snuck out after curfew." I reply.

She sighs. "How long?"

"A month should do it."

"A month?" They reply in unison again.

"Hey," I snap back. "If you're not careful I'll make it a year!"

They both groan and walk off to their rooms.

I look Jordan in the eye. "Tell me calmly and rationally what you were doing at the park past midnight with that girl."

"She..." He stutters. "She's a friend..."

"A friend that you kiss?"

Jordan stays quiet. "Jordan Donovan Hamato," I say. "Tell me the truth."

"Her name is Akiko..." He mumbles quietly.

"Is she your girlfriend?" He stays silent again. "Jordan..."

"I don't know..." He whimpers.

"Well," I say sighing. "It pains me to say this, but..." He looks up at me with puppy dog eyes. "'re grounded young man."

"What?!" He says.

"You heard me." I reply sternly. "You're going to have to postpone the second date. You're grounded for a month."

"We, uh..." Jordan mumbles. "We've, uh... Already been on a couple of dates..."

My eyes widen. "Two months then!"

"Dad!" He whines.

"Sneaking out once is bad enough, but twice is unacceptable." I reply firmly. Jordan's head drops low.

"I'll be in my room..." He says, plodding towards his bedroom.

Matt sits calmly on the couch, twiddling his thumbs while I pace in front of him.

"Do you have any idea how dangerous that was?!" I say, turning to him. "You could have broken your leg! Or worse!"

"I was wearing a helmet..." He mumbles.

"What if you broke your collarbone? Who would be around to help you?"

"Dad, calm down. I'm fine..."

"Matthew Michaelangelo Hamato," I say sharply. "You are grounded for a month!"

"That's totally unfair!" He whines back at me. "All I did was go for a skate..."

"...At night! Unsupervised! Without us knowing!" I finish his sentence. "No skateboard, TV or video games until further notice."


"Don't you dare try and change my mind!" I say, furious.

In a huff, Matt storms off to his room. I hate it when I have to play tough dad with him. I really do. I'd much rather be fun dad Mikey who loves to hang out with his kid...

But he's not a baby anymore, and he needs to learn that he can't just do what he wants.

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