Teething problems

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Lily's POV:
It's been about two weeks since Blade and I first started dating. I feel like it's gone so quickly. He's such a sweetheart though. We talk every night and when I'm about to go to bed, he always sends me a special goodnight message *swoon*.

There's just one problem with this though; we're both new to the dating thing and we don't know how to tell our parents. I mean, Blade's mom and my dad aren't exactly the best of friends since whatever happened.

This isn't going to be easy...

I approach my mom and dad, who are both in the dojo. Dad is training, while mom sits back and watches while giving him feedback. I watch my dad from the corner of the room, and if I wasn't already nervous enough, seeing him with his katana blades are making it even worse. "H-hi mom, hi dad..." I mumble quietly. Mom looks at me.

"Hey Lil." She says, patting a seat next to her. "Your father is just in the middle of training."

"So I see," I reply, wincing at his katana blades make a shing sound as they clash against the battle dummy. "There's something I wanted to tell you..." I'm interrupted by dad's katana's piercing the armour of the battle dummy, therefore ending his training session for today. He picks up both Katana blades, and puffing and panting and dripping in sweat, comes and sits beside me.

"Hi there, munchkin." He says, ruffling my hair. He turns to mom. "Did you see that last move?"

"Yeah, you demolished that dummy." She replies.

My parents flirting is making me gag. Seeing people over the age of 30 being romantic is just wrong.

"Excuse me," I interrupt. "I was in the middle of something."

Dad looks down at me and mom smiles. "What was it you wanted to tell us?" Mom asks.

I suddenly catch a glimpse at dad's Katana blades resting on the back of his shell. I get shivers, just thinking about what they could do to an unarmed person. Someone like Blade. My mind suddenly starts racing as I envision dad's rage at when I break the news to him, the damage he could do to Blade...

"Lily?" I'm snapped out of my daydream by dad waving his green hands in front of my face. "You alright, sweetheart?"

I shake the fog from my head, but my eyes are still focused on dad's Katana's. "Yeah, yeah." I clear my throat. "Mom, dad, I have something I want to tell you..." I can't keep my eyes off the katana's. It's making me so paranoid. "You see, I'm a teenager now. So, I want you to start treating me like an adult."

"Treat you like an adult?" Mom echoes. "Sweetheart, you're thirteen!"

Dad's katana's glint in the light from the lamps above.

"Well, I think it's time I be treated like an adult." I reply, trying not to look at the swords. A knot grows in my stomach, what I'm about to say is making me feel sick. I swallow a lump in my throat. "...and as part of that, I wanted to tell you..." I feel something rising in my throat. It's not vomit, it's like an air bubble. Something stopping me from telling the truth. Maybe it's just my conscience or maybe it's the pizza I had for dinner last night.

"Tell us what?" Dad asks.

"Tell yo-" My statement is interrupted by a very loud burp. My face glows bright red, and mom and dad both look disgusted. "...excuse me..." I whimper.

"Oh, god that stinks!" Mom says. "What did you eat? A rotting sandwich?"

"That smells worse than Mikey's feet!" Dad adds, covering his mouth. "How do you expect us to treat you like an adult if you act like such a child?"

They both leave the dojo before I can apologise or even explain. I sniff the air and nearly gag myself.

Definitely the pizza.

Jordan's POV:

Just tell the truth, be honest and rational and everything will be fine.

That's the same thing I've been telling myself all day. Akiko and I have been together for just over a week now, and being the guy I am, it is killing me that I'm keeping this as a secret from my parents. After all, they raised me to be a gentleman not a lying scumbag.

I take a deep breath, repeating my mantra in my head one last time. Just tell the truth, be honest and rational and everything will be... My thoughts are interrupted when my dad opens his lab door. "Oh, hey Jordan." He says, looking down at me.

"H-hi... dad." I say nervously.

"Is something the matter?" He asks, concerned.

"N-no..." I reply. "W-well, yes."

"Come into the lab," he says, opening the door wider, revealing mom on Max's old Skateboard, working under the shell raiser. I nervously take a seat on one of the lab chairs. "What is it that's bothering you?"

"Well, it's not so much an it..."

"A girl?" Mom squeaks from under the shell raiser.

"No, not a girl." I reply, kicking myself on the inside the moment the words spilled from my mouth. "Well, yes a girl."

"Do you like a girl?" Dad repeats.

"Well... sort of." I reply. This has to be the most awkward conversation I've ever had with my parents. At this point, my mom has left her work on the shell raiser and come and joined us. "How old were you when you started dating?"

"16." Dad replies.

"18." Mom replies. Her eyes suddenly widen. "Have you got a girlfriend?"

I swallow a lump in my throat. "N-no..."

"YOU DO!" She says, jumping up and down. "My little boy's growing up!"

"M-mom." I reply. "I do not have a girlfriend." The lies just keep on coming... "I was just wondering how old I will be when I'm allowed to have one."

Mom and Dad break away for a moment. When they return, they both have serious looks on their faces. "We've agreed that you're allowed a girlfriend when you turn fifteen." Mom says.

"Fifteen?!" I echo. "That's two years!"

"You're a bright kid, Jordan." Dad replies. "We don't want you wasting your time on girls."

I grunt. "I can't wait two years! I'll have entirely missed my prime age!"

"Nice try, you're not changing our minds." Mom says.

I grumble and saunter out of the lab, closing the door behind me. Suddenly the realisation of all the lies I just told hits me. My mantra disappears and all I can think about is Akiko. What'll happen when my parents find out about her?

I take a deep breath. This is okay. It's just a minor setback.

It's just teething problems.

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