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Hey darlings!!!

I'm working on a different chapter right now, but I feel so terrible not having uploaded anything recently!

So, in the meantime I'm doing a competition!!!! Get excited!

So, in a few chapters time I will be introducing a new character. Now, I like making up my own characters and it makes me smile so much when I see you guys loving them! But this time, I'm going to add a little twist.

I'm going to create the character, based on one of YOU! My darling beautiful readers!

You guys do so much for me, so I decided it was time I started giving back :)

So here's how it works:
1. You need to vote on this chapter
2. You need to be following this account
3. Message me and in 200 words or less tell me why you should have this character based on you. I will choose 3 finalists, and out of those 3 I will pick the winner!

No one knows who this character will be linked with, or what their purpose is, so everyone has their shot at winning!

If you have any questions, comment them below!

PS: This competition closes July 1st American EST

Have fun :)

- Perri xxxx

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